Find and zoom using XY coordinates

You can find any point in your model by entering their XY coordinates and, if necessary, change the zoom level to zoom in or out centred on that point.

To find a point from its coordinates:

  1. Click the Find XY button on the Operations toolbar.

    This displays the Go To XY Coordinates dialog.

  2. Type in the coordinates you want to find.

    The dialog gives you some help by showing the maximum and minimum coordinates in the network

  3. Choose a zoom level.

    The value given is the shortest distance across the GeoPlan window. This is likely to be the top-to-bottom distance, but may vary depending on the window shape and the aspect ratio.

  4. To zoom in or out to the chosen level, centred on the chosen coordinates, click OK.

Go To XY Coordinates dialog

GeoPlan window

Operations toolbar