Import / Update From CSV Data dialog

This dialog allows you to set options when importing data from a CSV fileComma Separated Variable file format is a standard file format that can be imported and exported by many software packages. Many types of data can be imported and exported using csv format by InfoWorks. or updating existing version controlled items with CSV data. Data can be marked with a specific flag if the field does not already have a corresponding flag field in the CSV data.

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To display this dialog do one of the following:

Item Description

Type of update

Update and Add Updates network objects that already exist in the network and adds objects that do not exist
Delete Uses the primary key fields in the CSV data to identify network objects for deletion. Other fields are ignored
Mixed (based on data field)

Allows you to carry out deletion, additions and updates using the same CSV file.

Mixed mode uses an additional field (Action) in the CSV data. If this field contains the character - (minus), the network object will be deleted in the same way as in the Delete option. If the field is blank, the network object is added or updated as in the Update and Add option

Unspecified units are:

User units

Fields that have no units information will be imported using the current user units.

If the data was originally exported from InfoWorks WS Pro, any user units are stored for a specific user on a specific machine. If you are a different user on a different machine, it is up to you to ensure that units agree.

Native units Fields that have no units information will be imported using native units. (When exporting data for subsequent import or update we recommend the use of InfoWorks WS Pro native units for portability.)

Flag to use for new / updated data:

This flag should be used for new or updated data added to the network from the CSV file. You can either use the default #V flag, or a flag you have created in advance using the User Defined Flags dialog.

The chosen flag is used if the CSV field does not have a corresponding flag field. If the CSV data contains a flag field, the flag from the CSV is used, even if the flag is unset.

Only update existing data that has flag:

You can choose to update only the data in your network that has the flag specified here.

Block Headers:

Select the format of the table header lines in the CSV file from the following options:

  • IDs: Select this option if only the database field name is included as a header in the CSV file.
  • IDs, Descriptions: The Descriptions line will be ignored on import
  • IDs, Units: The importer will read the Units line. Any suitable units for a field will be used on import, otherwise the units chosen in the Unspecified units are: section will be used.
  • IDs, Descriptions, Units: The importer ignores the Descriptions line. The Units line is read and used as described above.

Only flag genuine changes to data values

Does not set the flag if the updated parameter has not changed.

Allow blank fields in CSV to overwrite existing data

Do not check this box if your CSV data includes only data that has changed and you want other fields left as they are.

Fields that are not listed in the CSV file are ignored completely. Only fields that are listed in the CSV are affected.

Renaming of node forces renaming of connected links

Check the box if your node names have changed and you want to maintain connectivity information.

If you do not choose this option you will lose the following connections for nodes whose names have changed:

  • network connectivity information for links connected to the nodes
  • link to any control data associated with this node

Update uses Asset ID field to identify data items

If checked, the Asset ID field of the object in the master database is used instead of the object's InfoWorks WS Pro ID (NodeID or USNode.DSNode.Suffix for example) when applying changes to existing records and identifying duplicate records.

Use Digitisation Defaults

If checked, digitisation default values are used for fields of added network objects that do not already have a value in the CSV file.

Importing from CSV files

Updating from CSV data

Importing Control Data

Updating control data

About data flags

User Defined Flags dialog

Setting default values