Online Map Options dialog

The Online Map Options dialog is used to select the online maps that can be used to view the GeoPlan. It is also possible to specify a user-defined URL.

The dialog is displayed when the Online Map Options button is clicked in the GeoPlan page of the Options dialog.

ClosedShow image

Online Map Options Dialog

Option Description
Online map selection

Select the desired web mapping services by ticking the check box adjacent to them.

These will appear as options when you select View online from the GeoPlan context menu.

Google Maps

Web mapping service application provided by Google™.

Google Street View

Technology featured in Google™Maps and Google™Earth that provides panoramic views from positions along many streets in the world.

Microsoft Bing

Web mapping service provided as a part of Microsoft™'s Bing suite of search engines.


Collaborative project set up to create a free editable map of the world.

User URL

User-defined URL.


Note that {long} {lat} and {zoom} must be specified in that order. See the example URLs given for the built-in online maps in the dialog itself.

Default zoom

Zoom in arbitrary units (0 to 20).

To specify a zoom level for all web maps, check the adjacent check box and select a value.

If this option is not enabled (i.e. unticked checkbox), the online map zoom level will match the GeoPlan current zoom level.


Commit the changes and close the dialog.


Abort the online map configuration.

Options dialog - GeoPlan page

GeoPlan window

Viewing GeoPlan locations and objects on an online map