Options dialog - GeoPlan page

This page allows you to set the mapping options.

The page is displayed when you choose Tools | Options and select the GeoPlan tab.

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Options - GeoPlan page

Item Description
Map control
Map control selection (drop-down list) Allows you to choose the map-display software. The drop-down box lists the available map controls. Selecting a different map control changes the way in which the GeoPlan window is displayed. For information about alternative map controls,contact Innovyze.
Ignore installed ArcGIS Client Software Check this box to stop InfoWorks WS Pro looking for ArcGIS. This option should be used if there is a copy of ArcGIS installed on your PC that is secured with a single user hardware key, but the key is not plugged in.
Use line smoothing when drawing map layers (MapXtreme only) Checked by default. This option automatically smoothens lines on maps when the current map control is MapXtreme.
When opening Geoplan, also open previously used layers Check this box to automatically open GIS layers previously displayed on the Geoplan being opened.
Display warning when layers are missing Check this box to have a warning message displayed if any previously used layers are missing. If the box is unchecked, missing layers will be ignored without warning. This option is enabled only when the option to open previously used layers is selected.
Enable auto-panning when at the edge of the Geoplan Check this box to turn on the automatic panning tool.
Show locator window Check this box to automatically show the GeoPlan locator map when a GeoPlan is opened.
Show scale bars Check this box to show scale bars on the GeoPlan, for indicating distances in metres and feet.
Online Map Options Click this button to open the Online Map Options dialog, on which the availability of web map service options on the GeoPlan context menu is controlled.
Online find options (geocoding) Click this button to open the Online Find Options (Geocoding) dialog, on which you specify access to web map applications used to find a location.

Options dialog

Online Map Options dialog

Online Find Options (Geocoding) dialog

Moving around the GeoPlan window

GeoPlan locator map

Viewing GeoPlan locations and objects on an online map

Selecting the map control

Supported file formats for map controls