PressureWatch / QualWatch Model dialog


The PressureWatch / QualWatch Model dialog is used to configure PressureWatch and QualWatch models.

This dialog is displayed when the New model button or the View / Edit button is clicked on the Watch Configuration page of the Baseline Property Sheet.

ClosedShow image

PressureWatch / QualWatch Model dialog

The table below contains the options available in the dialog:

Option Description


Model name.

A default name is provided. The name can be edited by the user.

Please Note

This name must be unique.


Model description.

A default description is provided. The description can be edited by the user.

Data Interval (minutes)

Sampling interval, i.e. amount of time between two data points.

Model Parameter


Periodicity (hours)

Time lag in the data. For example a 24 hour lag will result in the regression being implemented on values 24 hours previous.

Data Smoothing Range (0 to skip)


Data Smoothing Interactions



Clicking this button to display the Watch Channels dialog where multiple PressureWatch/ QualWatch channels can be selected.

Test Forecast

Click this button to test the model. This displays the PressureWatch / QualWatch Test Forecast dialog where a duration can be selected for the test.


Close the dialog and commit the changes.


Abort model configuration and close the dialog.

Baseline Property Sheet



PressureWatch / QualWatch Test Forecast dialog

PressureWatch /QualWatch Server Configuration dialog