Replay Options dialog

This dialog allows:

The dialog is displayed by selecting Network|Results|Replay Options, or by clicking the (Jump to/replay options) tool on the Replay toolbar.

ClosedShow image

Item Description
Select Time
Time The current simulation time. The time changes when the adjacent up and down arrows are clicked, or when the slider is moved.

Changes the current simulation time.

When set (see below), the time limits of the current replay are shown in blue. Any parts of the simulation that fall outside the current replay are shown in white.

Set Start Time Changes the start time for replays to the current simulation time.
Set Finish Time Changes the finish time for replays to the current simulation time.
Clear Settings Removes any changes you have made to the time selection and sets the replay start and finish time back to the start and finish time of the simulation.
Apply to Grid and Graph Tools

Applies the selected start and finish times to results graphs and grids.

This setting applies to:

Replay delay between jumps

Sets the replay speed of the simulation.

OK Pauses the simulation at the current simulation time shown in the Time display. Updates all the views of the simulation to show the current state of the network at the selected time.
Cancel Closes the dialog without making any changes.

Viewing replays of a simulation

Adjusting replay speed

Graphing data for a network object

Griding results for a single network object

Graphing selected objects