Select What To Graph dialog

This dialog offers a choice of time varying data to graph. The list will be appropriate to the type of network object selected.

The dialog is displayed when viewing simulation results using the Graph (Graph) tool on the Tools toolbar.

ClosedShow image

Graph pick selection dialog

Item Description
Choose One or More Lists the attributes that can be graphed. The selected item or items will be graphed.
Live Data Configuration

If live data is associated with the simulation in the current active window, this box will automatically be populated with the associated live data configuration.

Alternatively, you can drag and drop a live data configuration to the selection box, or use the Browse button to add one.

Add Live Data

Adds an extra trace showing the live data values.

Available if the network object for which you are creating a graph has valid live data linked to it, and if an appropriate attribute has been selected for graphing.

Add Control Profile

Adds an extra trace showing the control profile values.

Available when graphing flow, pressure, or depth attributes for the following objects:

  • Nodes that are control nodes for:
    • Pumping Station, where Mode of Control = PROF
    • Valve, where Mode ID = PRV or PSV
  • Pumping Station, where Mode of Control = FLOW
  • Valve, where Mode ID = FRV
Graph alternate results

Graphs attributes for both simulations currently loaded in the GeoPlan window.

If this option is unchecked, only the results for the first set of simulation results will be graphed.

Available when comparing results in a GeoPlan.

OK Displays the Graph view.

About graphing

Graphing data for a network object

Associating live data with a run

Linking live data to the model

Comparing results