Using the Graph view

The Graph view is used in many places within InfoWorks WS Pro to display anything from simple graphs of a single parameter to multi-graph reports comparing observed against model data.

Changing the graph properties

You can make the following changes to the graph using the Graph Properties dialog:

You open the Graph Properties dialog by by right-clicking the Graph view and choosing Graph properties.

Using multi-page reports

Some more complex graph reports may contain more than one page. If the header of the report contains Page 1 of n on the top line, then you can scroll through the pages using the PageUp and PageDown keys.


To zoom in on part of the graph, click the Zoom in toolbar button, or hold down the Shift key and drag the mouse pointer across the area you wish to magnify. This creates a rubber band box that extends horizontally across the zoom area. The mouse pointer must start within the boundary of the graph itself.

To zoom out, click the Zoom out toolbar button and then click within the graph area to zoom out to the previous zoom extent.

To restore the original time axis, double-click within the graph area with the left mouse button.

Using tooltips

Hover over the trace or data point with the cursor to display a tooltip showing the graph value.

Values at locations on traces between data points will be interpolated. An interpolated value is denoted in the tooltip by an asterisk after the trace value.

Moving to a different simulation time directly on the graph

On graphs produced by the Pick graph tool or the Graph selected object tool only, the red time line shows the current time of the simulation, mirroring the current time of the simulation on the Geoplan.  To jump to a different simulation time, you  can drag and drop the red line to the desired simulation time directly on the graph. The simulation date & time will be updated accordingly on the Geoplan.

To display a label showing the value of the trace at the current time of the simulation, right-click the graph view and select Auto-label traces.

Copying and printing the graph

To copy the graph in Windows MetaFile (WMF) format:

To save the graph in Windows MetaFile (WMF) format:

To print the graph:

You can also:

About graphing

Graph Properties dialog

Page Setup dialog