Assigning electricity tariffs to pumping stations

Electricity tariffs can be assigned only to pumping stations.

Tariffs can be assigned in two places:

ClosedShow image

For pumping costs to be calculated, information is required in the following fields:

Data field Description

Power Factor

Ratio between electric power used and electric power supplied. Should be <=1.

Default is 1.

Electric Mechanical Power Ratio

Ratio of total electric to mechanical power for the pumping station. A measure of efficiency. Should be > 1.1.

Default is 1.25.

Tariff Name

Name of the Electricity Tariff component. Can be typed in or selected from the dropdown menu.


Either high (>1000v) or low voltage electric system.

Electricity Tariffs are edited using the Electricity Tariff editor.

Each tariff contains details of charging schemes for supply of electricity including fixed charges, 24 hour charging profiles, and changes in charging profiles over the year.

About electricity tariffs

Using property sheets

Electricity Tariff dialog

Links grid window