Creating polygon categories
A polygon may have a polygon category associated with it. Polygon categories can be used to group sets of polygons in the network. They can be used to:
- Identify a set of polygons on the GeoPlan window by use of a polygon theme on the Category ID field. (For example, different categories could be assigned to DMA polygons in different distribution systems.)
- Identify polygons to be used in the allocation process when Allocating land use demand to nodes.
Creating polygon categories
There are two ways to create new polygon categories.
- Add a category directly by typing the name in on the Polygon Category grid view of the Polygons grid.
- Add a category while editing the properties of a polygon, by clicking the New button on the Definition page of the Polygon property sheet.
A polygon category does not have any parameters. However, notes about the category can be added. Double-click the appropriate row on the Polygon Category grid view of the links grid to display the property sheet.
Deleting polygon categories
- Select the category (or categories) on the Polygon Category grid view of the Polygons grid.
- Press the Delete key.
Deleting a category will not remove any references to the category in the Category ID field on the Polygons grid view of the Polygons grid. These references will have to be changed manually.