Importing a demand scaling object

A demand scaling object can be imported from files exported from InfoWorks WS Pro.

Demand scaling allows adjustment of a group of demands and transfer flows by a constant percentage and/or by a time varying profile.

Demand scaling is applied to a model by including a Demand Scaling object when setting up a simulation in the Schedule Hydraulic Run view.

To import a demand scaling object:

  1. Right-click the Demand Scaling Group in the Model Group window.
  2. Choose Import | Item from I/O file from the context menu. This displays the Open dialog.
  3. On the dialog, select the *.con or *.csv file to import.
  4. Click Open and the file will be imported.

If the name of the demand scaling to be imported already exists in the master database, successive '!' characters are added until a unique name is generated.

About demand scaling

Creating a new demand scaling object

Demand Scaling Editor

Exporting a demand scaling object

Schedule Hydraulic Run view