Creating a new demand scaling object

Demand scaling allows adjustment of a group of demands and transfer flows by a constant percentage and/or by a time varying profile.

Demand scaling is applied to a model by including a Demand Scaling object when setting up a simulation in the Schedule Hydraulic Run view.

To create a new demand scaling object:

  1. Create a Demand Scaling group inside an open Model GroupThe model data and results in the master database are organised into a flexible hierarchy; within the hierarchy the database items are grouped into manageable units. The top level of the database hierarchy is the model group. Each master database contains one or more model groups. You may also create additional levels in the database hierarchy by defining subsidiary model groups within a top-level model group.. See Creating groups within a model group.
  2. Create the new Demand Scaling object within the Demand Scaling group. See Creating a database object within a group.

About demand scaling

Importing a demand scaling object

Demand Scaling Editor

Schedule Hydraulic Run view