Demand Scaling Editor

The Demand Scaling Editor is used for adjusting groups of demand and transfer flows by applying multiplying factors to existing model demands assigned to nodes. This allows changes in demand (for example forecast demand increase), to be modelled without altering demand values for individual nodes.

To open a Demand Scaling for editing, either drag the Demand Scaling from the Model Group window or Explorer window onto the main window background, or right click and choose Open from the context menu. A Demand Scaling cannot be opened unless there is a current network from which the Demand Scaling can update values. Closed

The current network is normally the last network that was the current Active Window and which is still open. The current Active Window in any Microsoft Windows application has a differently coloured title bar to all the other windows. In the default colour scheme, the active window title bar is blue, all other windows have a grey title bar.

If you close the current network:

The current network is used for many things. For example, when setting up reports using the current selection, the selection is taken from the current active network.

To ensure that you know which is the current network, make the correct network the current Active Window before moving on to do other editing.

If there is Alternative Demand associated with the current network when the Demand Scaling is opened, the Alternative Demand values will be displayed by default in the Demand Scaling.

If the current network is edited, or if the current network is changed while the Demand Scaling editor is open, values in the Demand Scaling should be updated by using the Reload button. Updating will keep the Demand Scaling up-to-date in parallel with the network.

Please Note

If there are two networks open at once, take care that the Demand Scaling is using values from the network you expect. It is advisable to only have the correct network open when editing a Demand Scaling to avoid errors.

Viewing and Editing Scaling Factors

There are two types of scaling factor that may be defined in the demand editor:


Demand Scaling

Editing Demand Diagrams

TV Demand Scaling Editor