Updating a solute data object from an EPANET MSX file

To update a solute data object with data from an MSX file:

  1. Right-click the solute data object and select Update | Update from EPANET MSX.

    This opens a standard Windows Open dialog.

  2. Select the MSX file that you want to use for the update and click Open.

    Note: Some data is imported into an associated control object, not the solute data object.

MSX file section Treatment in InfoWorks WS Pro
[TITLE] Ignored.
[OPTIONS] Ignored. Units and time steps are handled in InfoWorks WS Pro.
[SPECIES] (1) Species names are imported and (2) the bulk/wall specifiers are imported. Both into the solute data object.
[COEFFICIENTS] These are imported into the solute data object.
[TERMS] These are imported into the solute data object.
[PIPES] Expressions for equilibria, formulae and rates for both pipes and reservoirs (that is, EPANET tanks) are imported into the solute data object.
[TANKS] Expressions for equilibria, formulae and rates for both pipes and reservoirs (that is, EPANET tanks) are imported into the solute data object.
[SOURCES] Not for the solute data object. Goes into the control object, for nodes.
[QUALITY] Initial concentrations. Global values for each species go into the solute data object, with species. Initial values for species at individual nodes and links will go into the control object.
[PARAMETERS] These values go into the control object, not the solute data object.
[PATTERNS] These enter the control object for nodal sources.
[REPORT] Ignored.

Database Items

Water Quality Simulations

Water Quality Model

Water Quality Parameters

Creating Groups

Creating an Item Within a Group