Exceptional Flow Profile page

Allows you to view and edit Exceptional Flow Profiles for Basic Nodes, Reservoir Nodes and Hydrant Nodes. The Exceptional Flow Profile can only be edited on this page.

Please Note

By default, if an Exceptional Flow Profile is applied to a node, any local demand, e.g. customer point demand, will be ignored. To apply local demand, check the Keep Local Demand option on the Node Control page of the node property sheet.

For more information on all node types, see Nodes. For general information on controls, see Control Data.

Exceptional Flow Grid

The Exceptional Flow grid defines the time varying profile for exceptional demands (eg bursts) for the node. Each entry is the date and time of a change in the flow value.

By default no interpolation is used between data points. Each flow value entered in the grid is maintained until the next date / time entry, or until the end of the simulation. Check the Linear Profile box for linear interpolation to be used between data points.

The following options are available for extending the profile outside of the entered dates / times:

Data Field Option Description

Before First Point

Extend Back

The first value in the grid is extended back to the start of the simulation (and to the start of the repeat period for repeated profiles).

Extrapolate Back

Applies to Linear Profiles only: the first two values in the grid are used to extrapolate back to the start of the simulation (and to the start of the repeat period for repeated profiles).

Please Note

If Extrapolate Back is selected for a non linear profile, the profile will be extended back.


A value of zero or "off" is applied from the start of the simulation until the date / time of the first value in the grid (and from the start of the repeat period for repeated profiles).

After Last Point

Extend Forward

The last value in the grid is extended to the end of the simulation or repeat period.

Extrapolate Forward

Applies to Linear Profiles only: the last two values in the grid are used to extrapolate forward to the end of the simulation or repeat period.

Please Note

If Extrapolate Forward is selected for a non linear profile, the profile will be extended forward.

Repeat Profile Checkbox


Check the Repeat Profile box to repeat a profile (from 00:00 for the selected Repeat Period) for the duration of the simulation.


When using the Repeat Profile option; if the defined profile spans over the selected Repeat Period, the profile will not be repeated.

Repeat Period

1 day

1 week

2 weeks

Profile period which will be repeated throughout simulation, if the Repeat Profile box is checked.

Property Sheets


Basic Node Data Fields

Hydrant Node Data Fields

Reservoir Data Fields

Control Data