Inference Rules - Proximity Testing
Missing network parameters can be inferred from existing data, allowing you to fill in gaps in your data with reasonable values.
Inference data is edited on the Inference Data Editor.
The Inference Data Editor can also be used to carry out proximity tests and to automatically merge nodes / pipes to aid in resolving connectivity problems often found during the data cleanup process.
Inference is applied to the current selection on the GeoPlan. If there are no objects selected, you will be given the option to carry out inference on the entire network or to Cancel.
- Merge Nodes (Inline Proximity): Joins pairs of pipes by merging opposing nodes
- Snap Nodes to Pipes: Creates junctions by inserting a node connected to a single pipe into a pipe within a Search Radius
- Merge Nodes (Proximity): Coalesces groups of nodes within a Search Radius into a single node
Rule Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Allow all link types |
By default proximity inference is only applied to basic pipes. Check the Allow all link types box to allow inference at all other link types. |
Search Radius |
Search distance from node. |
Diameter Match Tolerance |
Pipes will only be joined during proximity testing, if the diameters of the pipes to be joined are within Diameter Match Tolerance. |
Elevation Match Tolerance |
Nodes will only be merged during proximity testing, if the elevations of the nodes are within Elevation Match Tolerance. |
Include Object Types |
By default proximity inference is only applied to basic nodes. Inference can also be applied to Hydrant nodes by checking the Hydrant box in the Include Object Types section of the rule parameters. If node merging takes place between a basic node and a hydrant node, the resulting merged node will be a hydrant node. |
Match Attributes |
Check the options in the Match Attributes section to restrict joining of pipes to pipes with the same Year and / or Material. |
Merge Nodes (Inline Proximity)
The Merge Nodes (Inline Proximity) rule is used to search for pairs of nodes connected to one link within a user defined Search Radius. If the nodes / links found satisfy defined parameters, the nodes will be merged, therefore joining the connected links.

Demand allocation to nodes may be lost during node merging. Inference functionality is intended for use at the data cleanup stage. Therefore, it is not expected that any demand allocation will have taken place before Inference is used.
Merge Nodes (Inline Proximity) example
For merging to take place, in addition to satisfying the parameters specified in the Inference Editor, the following rules must be satisfied:
- Only one node found within Search Radius that is connected to only one pipe
- Pipe to be connected must be connected to two nodes
- Pipe to be connected must have difference in bearing greater than 45°
When running the Merge Nodes (Inline Proximity) rule for Node B:
Snap Nodes to Pipes
The Snap Nodes to Pipes rule is used to search for nodes connected to one link within a user defined Search Radius of another link. If user defined parameters are satisfied, the node will automatically be inserted into the link within the Search Radius, creating a junction (example 1).
Snap Nodes to Pipes example 1
If a node is within the Search Radius of the node connected to one link, and the Elevation Tolerance is met, nodes will be merged to create a junction (example 2).

The Elevation Match Tolerance defined for the Snap Nodes to Pipes rule is only applicable in the case where a node is within the search radius.

Demand allocation to nodes may be lost during node merging. Inference functionality is intended for use at the data cleanup stage. Therefore, it is not expected that any demand allocation will have taken place before Inference is used.
Snap Nodes to Pipes example 2

To identify and anlayse each occurrence of a node within the Search Radius of a pipe before creating junctions, the Proximity Trace tool should be used.
Merge Nodes (Proximity)
The Merge Nodes (Proximity) rule is used to search for nodes connected to one link within close proximity of one another and coalesces them into a single node.
InfoWorks searches for nodes within a user defined Search Radius of each other. If the nodes found are within user defined diameter tolerance and elevation tolerance, the nodes will be coalesced into a single node.
Merge Nodes (Proximity) Example

Only nodes connected to links will be merged. To identify orphan nodes for further investigation, use the Connectivity Trace functionality.

Demand allocation to nodes may be lost during node merging. Inference functionality is intended for use at the data cleanup stage. Therefore, it is not expected that any demand allocation will have taken place before Inference is used.