Updating Time Series Data


Time Series Data can be updated from external data sources. The following updates are supported:

Overview of the update function


InfoAsset Manager users can perform manual updates, i.e. on demand updates. A manual update can be a latest update or a ranged update.

Latest updates are also referred to as Optimistic updates. Optimistic updates load time series data with a time-stamp later that the most recent time-stamp. On the other hand, ranged updates, also known as Pessimistic updates, load time series data within a specified time range, possibly overwriting existing data.

Instructions on how to implement manual updates are described in the section below:

Carrying out a manual update

Manual updates are updates implemented at the user's request. Since updating time series data can be a resource intensive process, it may prevent users from carrying out other tasks. Therefore, manual update of time series data may be delegated to a background process. It is possible to perform the update in the foreground but this is not recommended. Please refer to the sections below for further details.

The configuration of manual updates depends on the type of the time series data:

Disabling TSD updates

It is possible to disable updates to TSDs in InfoAsset Manager.

There are two types of manual updates:

  • Manual update of data streams
  • Manual update of data sources

Data sources can always be manually updated, regardless if automatic updates are enabled or disabled. In other words, manual data source updates cannot be disabled. As Spatial time series data objects can only contain one stream and only one data source, this means that spatial TSD data can always be manually updated.

Scalar TSDs, on the other hand, can have many streams and data sources defined. Manual update can be disabled for a data stream when you check the External update disabled option for that data stream in the Observed or Forecast page of the Scalar Time Series Data. (This option applies to both manual and automatic updates). As a result:

Time Series Data Objects

Update Time Series Data Dialog

Scalar Time Series Data

Spatial Time Series Data

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