Acoustic Surveys

Acoustics, which is the technology behind acoustic surveys, can be used to locate pipe blockages and structural defects, and determine pipe length and serviceability. As well as structural defects, operational conditions such as fats, oils and grease (FOG) and tree root intrusion can be detected using acoustic surveys.

The currently supported format is SewerBatt™. The SewerBatt™ inspection system was initially developed at the University of Bradford and is the flagship of Acoustic Sensing Technology (UK).

An Acoustic Survey object contains information related to a single acoustic survey of a pipe. Each Acoustic Survey object may be associated with a single pipe, and each pipe may have many surveys linked to it (for example at different dates and times).

Acoustic Surveys can be:

By default, acoustic surveys are displayed on the GeoPlan as a thick grey line displayed behind the associated pipe. If the full geometry of the acoustic survey is not known the following display rules apply:

Once the survey data has been imported or created, validation may be carried out to ensure that survey data is appropriate before it is used to update the network.

Checks are made that the Acoustic Survey associated pipe exists.

The user can easily identify which survey data is associated with a pipe using the Navigate | To Related Objects () toolbar option from the pipe tabbed Property Sheet or Object Properties Window, which opens the relevant survey Property Sheet.

Alternatively launch the Object Browser Window to displays object relationships and manage related objects.

Importing SewerBatt Acoustic Survey Data

Acoustic Survey Data Fields (Collection)

Open Data Import Centre

Survey Grid

Validating Networks

Digitising Network Objects  

Editing Network Objects

Scheduled Tasks