Drain Test Surveys

Drain Test Surveys are Dye Test Surveys aimed at properties.

Drain Test Surveys are commonly used to:

Dye is injected into a storm drain located close to a property and observations of dye in one or multiple monitored manholes (usually sanitary manholes) are noted, (frequently by visual inspection).

A Drain Test object contains information related to a single survey of a property. Each Drain Test object may be associated with a single property and associated sanitary and storm manholes.

Drain Test Surveys can be:

Drain Test Surveys can also be viewed and edited from the Drain Test Grid View in the Survey Grid .

The Drain Test Survey is displayed as a grey drop on the GeoPlan

Reports providing a summary and detailed information about selected surveys in the network are available. See the Survey Reports topic for further information.

Validation is available to ensure that the Drain Test is associated with existing properties in the network.

Use the Navigate |To Related Objects () toolbar option from the Drain Test Survey tabbed Property Sheet or Object Properties Window to open the Property Sheet for the associated property, sanitary manhole or storm manhole, resources and materials, or for other surveys associated with the property.

Alternatively launch the Object Browser Window to displays object relationships and manage related objects.

It is possible to identify all the drain tests that are current by using the Network | Identify current drain tests menu. See Identifying Current Drain Tests topic for more information.

Drain Test Survey Data Fields

Identifying Current Drain Tests

Survey Reports

Validating Networks

Network Menu

Digitising Network Objects  

Editing Network Objects

Scheduled Tasks