Smoke Defect Observations

Smoke Defect Observations are used to represent smoke observations made during a Smoke Test Survey.

Each Smoke Defect Observation may be associated with a single Smoke Test Survey. There may be many Smoke Defect Observations associated with the same Smoke Test.

Distance measurements can be included in the Smoke Defect Observation data, allowing the location of the observation to be calculated automatically. See Locating Smoke Defects from Distance Measurements for further details.

Smoke Defect Observations can be created in the GeoPlan.

Smoke Defect Observations can also be viewed and edited from the Smoke Defect Observation Grid Window in the Survey Grid .

Creating Smoke Defect Observations

  1. Click the button on the More GeoPlan Tools Toolbar.
  2. This turns on the New Smoke Defect Observation mode. The cursor changes to the Add Node cursor .
  3. Click on the GeoPlan in the location of the new Observation. The New Smoke defect Observation Dialog is displayed.
  4. Enter a unique ID for the Observation.
  5. Click OK. The new Smoke Defect Observation is created and displayed on the GeoPlan. The property sheet for the observation is displayed.

Additional properties can be entered on the Smoke Defect Observation Property Sheet now or later.


The Smoke Defect Observation will automatically be associated with the nearest Smoke Test (within a search radius of 100 m). To override the automatic association, select a Smoke Test for association before creating the observation. If there is one selected Smoke Test on the GeoPlan, then the selected test will be used for association. See the Associating Smoke Defects with Smoke Tests topic for further information.

Use the Navigate |To Related Objects () toolbar option from the Smoke Defect Observation tabbed Property Sheet or the Object Properties Window to open the Property Sheets for associated Smoke Test Surveys or other Smoke Defect Observations associated with the same Smoke Test.

Alternatively launch the Object Browser Window to displays object relationships and manage related objects.

Smoke Defect Observation Data Fields

Creating a Smoke Test Survey

Associating Smoke Defects with Smoke Tests

Locating Smoke Defects from Distance Measurements

Digitising Network Objects  

Editing Network Objects