Options - General Page

The General tab on the Options dialog allows a number of features that apply across the whole program to be changed. The dialog is displayed when you select Options from the Tools menu.

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Options dialog - General page

The options currently available on this tab are described in the following table.

Option Description
Windows at Startup

Select the option to be used for reopening windows at start up:

  • None - do not open any windows on start up.
  • Reopen Previous - on start up, reopen the windows that were open when the application was last closed.

When using the Reopen Previous option, hold down the SHIFT key when starting the application to prevent reopening of windows.

Zoom / Scale

Use this section to indicate whether zoom levels or scales are to be used to control visibility (e.g. visibility of themes or auto-labels).

  • Use zoom levels - select to use zoom levels. Zoom levels are a function of the shape and size of the GeoPlan.
  • Use scale levels - select to use scale levels. Scale levels are a function of the drawn objects.
  • Note

    If the type of level to be used is changed, the software needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

  • Edit Levels - click to edit the current levels. This displays the Scale or Zoom dialog (depending if zoom or scale is being used) where new levels can be added and existing levels can be deleted.
  • The buttons below are used to set the behaviour whenever a user types a new scale/zoom level value in a visible range or scale / zoom min and scale / zoom max box:
    • Show new level dialog - the New Level dialog gets displayed so that the user can add new levels to the existing set of levels.
    • Use next highest level - the existing level that is the closest to the typed-in value, but higher, will be picked by the software.
    • Use next lower level - the existing level that is the closest to the typed-in value, but lower, will be picked by the software.
License expiry date reminder

If checked, a warning message is displayed when the dongle or licence is within one month of its expiry date. See InfoAsset Manager Licence. Checked by default.

Prompt for confirmation before exiting

If checked, an "Are You Sure?" message is displayed when you close InfoAsset Manager.

Prompt for commit before closing version controlled items

Disabled by default

If checked, a message is displayed prompting you to commit your changes when:

  • Closing a locally modified version controlled item.
  • Closing InfoAsset Manager whilst there are one or more locally modified version controlled items for the currently selected database.

When the prompt is displayed, select Yes to proceed (the Commit Changes dialog is displayed), No to close the version-controlled item or InfoAsset Manager without committing any changes, or Cancel to abort.

Use GDI+ when drawing graphs (recommended)

Checked by default. High performance graphics may cause problems when printing graphs using GDI+.

Uncheck this box to turn off the use of GDI+.


Non-solid lines on graphs cannot be used when GDI+ is turned off.

Show image in background

Checked by default. Uncheck to hide the image that is displayed by default in the InfoAsset Manager background.

  • Hide image for remote sessions - checked by default. The background image can slow down remote desktop sessions; select this option to hide the image when the session is remote.
Use system theme fonts for dialogs and grids If checked, the fonts defined in the system theme will be used for dialogs, property sheets and grids.
Use property editor for asset network objects

Checked by default. Property Sheets for asset networks will be displayed in the property editor of the Object Properties Window (modeless window).

Uncheck this box to display property sheets as a modal sheet with pages or tabs.

Download video attachments when viewing

Applies to Workgroup databases only.

Unchecked by default. A disabled option indicates that videos will be streamed.

If checked, video attachments will be downloaded at viewing time.

See Attachments Editor for more information.


If the web browser does not have built-in support for a particular format, you will be asked if you want to open the file in another program.

Show times in date time fields in grids

Unchecked by default.

If checked ,times will be displayed in the date/time fields in grid windows or on properties sheets in the Object Properties Window.

Allow in-place renaming of objects in tree

Checked by default.

If unchecked, in-place renaming of objects is disabled in the Explorer Window tree view.


InfoAsset Manager (or the Explorer Window) may need to be closed and re-opened for changes to take effect.

To rename a object in-place, simply click on it on the tree. It becomes highlighted (in blue) and a box should appear surrounding its name. Rename the object as desired and either press the ENTER key or click outside the surrounding box.

Object Deletion

Determines deletion notification:

  • No notification - the objects selected for deletion are immediately deleted, without the user being notified.
  • Show progress - (default option). A progress dialog is displayed for a minimum of 1.5s, showing the deletion progress. To cancel deletion, press ESC whilst the dialog is being displayed.
  • Wait for user confirmation - you are required to confirm object deletion.
  • All users must confirm - only available to database owners. When set, this option overrides any of the above-mentioned settings. It is similar to the Wait for user confirmation option, except that it can only be set by a database owner and that it applies to all the database users.

Click OK (this saves the changes and closes the dialog) or Apply (this saves the changes but does not close the dialog) to commit the changes.

Options Dialog


InfoAsset Manager Licence

Object Properties Window