Completed Action dialog

This dialog allows the user to associate a button on the form to the report completion action.

The dialog is displayed when the ellipsis button adjacent to the Completed Action property of the form is clicked.

When a report based on the form is completed, the associated button will automatically be clicked. If the button has been configured to launch another report (refer to Button Editor for further information), this new report will be generated and opened ready for editing, upon completion of the first report (that is, the report derived on the form that contains the button).

ClosedShow image

Option Description

Completed action

Dropdown list containing the button controls .

Note: The associated button control should have a single button inside it. See Button Editor for further information. InfoAsset Mobile control buttons can contain several buttons inside them but such buttons will not be available to pick for association.


Commits your changes and closes the dialog.


Aborts the association process and closes the dialog.
