GPS Information dialog

This dialog is used to set the GPS conversion and minimum allowed quality for the recorded GPS data.

The dialog is displayed when:

Note that the GPS conversion can be set:

ClosedShow image

Option Description

GPS Connection

Section informing the user that the connection can be checked in the Bluetooth Manager if a Bluetooth device is being used.

The two options below are only available if the GPS conversion has not been set at application level (See GPS Setup dialog topic for more information.

If these options are disabled, a small Warning! icon will appear by the OK button. Hover over it with the mouse to reveal its tooltip, informing you that the conversion configuration has been set for the whole application and therefore cannot be changed.

GPS Quality

Figure given by the GPS device for the quality of location fix. Values range from 1 - Ideal to 20 - Fair.

GPS Conversion

The check box determines whether or not the application's current network projection is to be used for the GPS conversion. Default is checked.

If the check is removed or the browse button is clicked, a Choose Coordinate System dialog is displayed from which you can select the appropriate coordinate system.


Commits the changes and closes the dialog.


Cancels the changes and closes the dialog.
