Manage Connectionless System dialog

Only System Administrators and Administrators can manage connectionless systems.

This dialog is displayed when System | Account | Manage Connectionless System is selected and a connectionless system is selected from the standard Windows Open dialog that is subsequently displayed.

The dialog allows Administrators and System Administrators to configure connectionless systems (also called connectionless field clients). Configuration, as facilitated by this dialog, comprises the following: specifying the applications and networks that will be available on a connectionless system; specifying the users who can access the connectionless system; and specifying default synchronization parameters.

Note: Connectionless systems must be validated before being configured.

Refer to the Configuring Connectionless Systems section of the Connectionless System Management topic for further information on how to use this dialog.

ClosedShow image

Manage Connectionless System Dialog - Synchronize page

Item(s) Description

Applications page

Networks page

Users page

  • Use the Applications page to add, remove or update applications. The applications selected on this page will be available on the connectionless system.
  • Use the Networks page to add and remove networks that are available on the selected connectionless system.
  • Use the Users page to add, remove and update users who are allowed to log into the selected connectionless system.


Adds applications, networks, or users to the selected connectionless system. 

The relevant Select dialog is displayed (Select Application dialog, Select Network dialog or Select Users dialog).


Removes the selected application, network, or user from the connectionless system. 

A warning message is displayed asking for confirmation.


Unavailable for networks

Updates the relevant list from InfoAsset Manager.

Synchronization page
  • Use the Synchronization page to specify the type and date range of reports to be synchronized whenever the connectionless system is loaded onto InfoAsset MobileOffice so that the work carried out in the field can be uploaded to the server, and so that any relevant changes made on the server are transferred to the connectionless system.


Sets the default behaviour by specifying the type of reports to synchronize. Available options are:

All reports

Saved reports only

Completed reports only


Download start date (date refers to the last saved date for saved reports and completed date for completed reports).

Comprises a number in the first box and a time period in the second box (dates are always relative to today).


Download end date (date refers to the last saved date for saved reports and completed date for completed reports).

Comprises a number in the first box and a time period in the second box (dates are always relative to today).

Download scheduled reports only?

If ticked, downloads scheduled reports only.

Remove reports after upload

Controls if reports are to be deleted on the connectionless system once they have been uploaded onto the InfoAsset Mobile server.

Keep only latest report version

If ticked, only the latest versions are kept on the connectionless system and any older versions will be deleted


Opens another connectionless system file (DCSL.xml).


Commits the changes and closes the dialog.


Aborts configuration and closes the dialog.

Administrative tasks

Managing connectionless systems