Select Network dialog

This dialog is used to change the network type you are connecting to.

The dialog is displayed:

ClosedShow image

Select Network dialog

Once a valid network has been selected for a connected InfoAsset Mobile client, the dynamic data for that network is validated and downloaded as required if the server connection is enabled.




Server communications

Available on connected systems only

Update networks

This option lists the existing networks in InfoAsset Mobile.

Server Management...

Menu item available to System Administrators and Administrators only.

Launches the InfoAsset Mobile Server Management dialog, where the list of available networks can be refreshed from InfoAsset Manager(Networks section of the Control entry in the InfoAsset Manager Interface tab). This functionality allows users to get the network list manually updated if, for example, a new network has been added in InfoAsset Manager, and lets them log into that network directly rather than having to open an existing network then change networks.

List view

List of the available network types.

Connected systems - Select the desired network type by checking the adjacent check box, or select all the available networks at once by selecting the <All Networks> option.

Connectionless systems - Select the desired networks by checking the adjacent check boxes.

Update Updates the list from the server.


Saves your changes and closes the dialog.


Available most of the time, except when a form with a disabled associated network is edited, or an application with a disabled associated network is accessed.

Aborts the selection operation and closes the dialog.

Selecting a network