Scheduler Note Editor

This editor allows you configure scheduler notes.

The editor is displayed:

ClosedShow image



  Note: Some fields may be pre-filled, depending on whether dates/times and resources were selected on the Scheduler before the editor was invoked.


Resources the note is assigned to.

Selected resources are indicated by ticked check boxes adjacent to their names. Selecting <All> indicates that the note applies to all available resources.

Start date (and time)

End date (and time)

Note start/end date and time.

The start and end date will be set in relation to the selected date and time. If a specific time span is selected on the Scheduler, either by using a different view or enabling the hour timescale on the timeline view, then these times will be used as well as the date.

All Day Event If checked, the time element of the start and end dates are removed.


Available notes categories (categories that have been obsoleted are not listed).



In brief, the subject of the note.

A warning message will be displayed if no subject is entered when the OK button of the editor is pressed.



Any additional notes can be entered here. This box allows normal notes to be placed on the Scheduler without any functional interference.

Allow reports to be allocated over this period?

This option is unchecked by default, which indicates that the note has a restriction applied to it. In this case, users will not be able to allocate reports over the period covered by the note (but this behaviour can be overruled on a per note basis). See Working with scheduler notes.

Enabling this option allows reports to be allocated to the associated resources at the same date and time covered by the note.


Commits your changes and closes the editor.

The note will appear on the Scheduler at the selected date and time.


Discards the edits and closes the editor.

Schedule view (Scheduler)

Working with scheduler notes