Schedule view (Scheduler)

The Scheduler is available only if the current application has been enabled for scheduling.

The Scheduler is displayed beneath the Schedule tab.

ClosedShow image

Example of Schedule View

For more information on generating schedulable forms, see Scheduling tasks.

Tab commands in the ribbon

See the Schedule tab section in the Ribbon topic.


Tasks are visible on the schedule after their related schedule reports have been saved. The icon on the schedule is colour-coded and relates to the report status or category. The default colours are as follows:

Administrators and System Administrators can customise these colours via the Scheduler Categories dialog.

Tasks will remain visible on the schedule after upload to the server.


There may be some resources on the Scheduler. These are present only if there are reports using them. These resources come from choice lists in InfoAsset Manager. Therefore, if you know some choice lists have been updated in InfoAsset Manager, you will have to get the updates as well as refresh dynamic data (see Options dialog).


Scheduler notes are also visible on the Scheduler. Scheduler notes are activities that are very similar to Outlook appointments in that they apply to resources and allow other users to know your availability. Scheduler notes can be allocated to resources for a particular date and time. As with reports, scheduler notes are colour-coded according to their category. Administrators and System Administrators can customise note default colours from the Scheduler Categories dialog.


Hovering the pointer over a report displays a tooltip with information about the report such as form name, report name and version, status, and scheduled times.


Reports can be viewed and edited from the Scheduler by selecting View and Edit in the Reports group of the Schedule tab. Confirmation is required before editing the following:

Scheduled reports can be repositioned / moved directly on the Scheduler. See Moving reports and work packages on the Scheduler.


Using the commands in the View group of the Schedule tab (or options on the context menu), you can change the view to day, work week, work, month, or time line view, allowing scheduled work to be viewed at a glance.


Using the commands in the Filter group of the Schedule tab, you can filter the Scheduler so that only reports meeting specific criteria in terms of date, resource, and status are displayed to the user. The available filtering options depend on the user level.


In the Reminder group, the default value of 15 minutes will cause pop-up notifications to appear 15 minutes before scheduled occurrences. The notifications will appear as toast pop-ups where this is possible, or as standard dialogs where toast pop-ups are not supported.

You can choose one of the other values in the dropdown list. Selecting the blank entry will disable reminders.

Context menu options

The context menu is different depending on what is clicked on the calendar (the calendar itself, a scheduled report, or a note on the calendar).

Option (listed alphabetically) Description

Change View To

When many tasks are scheduled it may help to change the view so that all tasks can be seen. The following views are available to choose from:

  • Day
  • Work week
  • Week
  • Month
  • Timeline

Delete Note

Deletes the selected note. A prompt will be displayed asking for confirmation.

Edit categories

Opens the Scheduler Categories dialog where reports and notes categories can be edited. Available only to Administrators and System Administrators

Edit Note

Opens the selected note in the Scheduler Note Editor ready for editing.
Edit report Opens the selected report in the Report Generator ready for editing.

Go to Date...

Opens the Go To Date dialog where the date and view type can be specified.

Go to This Day

Shows all tasks scheduled for the day chosen and will change the view to Day-View.

Go to Today

Shows all tasks scheduled for today’s date in the current view display.


New [NoteCategory] Adds a note to the Scheduler for the selected relevant time period against the required resource(s).
Edit categories Displays the Scheduler Categories dialog where reports and notes categories can be viewed and edited. This is available only to Administrators and System Administrators.
Open work package Opens the search dialog with the Work package field filled in for the relevant selected work package.


Resources may be sorted in the Scheduler according to the following criteria:

  • Ascending
  • Descending
  • Filter by network

Time Scales

Sets which intervals are to be displayed in the Scheduler.

This option is available only when the view is set to Timeline.

The following schedule intervals are available:

  • Year
  • Hour
  • Quarter
  • Month
  • Week
  • Day
  • Hour
  • 15 minutes

Currently selected intervals have a check displayed to the left of their name.

Timeline Width

Adjusts the width of columns in the schedule.

This option is available only when the view is set to Timeline.

The following widths are available:

  • Normal
  • Large
  • Extra large
  • Extra extra large
View on map If the report is included on a map, this command opens the map, centred on the report.
View report Opens the selected report for viewing.
View report history Opens the Report History dialog.

Tab commands

See the Schedule section of the Ribbon topic.

Navigation buttons

A set of buttons usually located in the bottom-right corner allows you to maximise visibility and to navigate through the resources on the Scheduler.

Schedule View buttons First - Takes you to the first page in the current view type.

Previous Page - Takes you to the previous page of visible resources.

Previous - Displays the previous resource in the current page.

Next -Displays the next resource in the current page.

Next Page - Takes you to the next page of visible resources.

Last - Takes you to the last page of visible resources.

Increase visible resources count - increments by one the number of visible resources.

Decrease visible resources count - decrements by one the number of visible resources.

The workspace


Status bar

Moving reports and work packages on the Scheduler