
All tabs

Tip: The ribbon commands do not have to be displayed all the time. If you minimize the ribbon, only the tab names will be shown until you click on the tab. To minimize the ribbon, right-click anywhere in it and select Minimize the ribbon. To return to the previous behaviour, show the ribbon, then select the option again.

Icon Command Description
Miminize Minimize the ribbon Shows only tab names on the ribbon. Available in the lower right corner of all tabs when the ribbon is not minimized.
Pin Expand the ribbon Shows the ribbon so that it is always expanded even after you click a command. Available in the lower right corner of all tabs when the ribbon is minimized (click any tab name to reveal it).

Home tab

Available only if the Enable Home Page option has been set to True in the Startup section of the Application dialog.

Group Command Description
Home Page

Edit home page

Edit Home Page

Opens the Form Designer with a restricted toolset, for designing a form that can be used as a home page for launching other forms.

See Editing the Home page.

Map tab

Available only if the Enable Map option has been set to True in the Startup section of the Application dialog.

Group Command Description



Turns on the panning mode. (Dragging moves the map on the view.)

Full extent

Full Extent

Zooms the view in or out to show the entire map within the window.

Zoom In

Zoom In

Turns on the zoom in mode. Clicking on the map once zooms in by a fixed amount. Dragging the mouse creates a box around the area you wish to magnify.

Tip: The mouse scroll wheel can be used to change zoom level on the map instead of using the Zoom In and Zoom Out commands.

See Zooming on the Map view.

Zoom out

Zoom Out

Turns on the zoom out mode. Clicking once on the map zooms out by a fixed amount.

Tip: The mouse scroll wheel can be used to change zoom level on the map instead of using the Zoom In and Zoom Out commands.

See Zooming on the Map view.

Previous zoom

Previous Zoom

Shows the previous zoom view, if any.

Next zoom

Next Zoom

Shows the next zoom view, if any.
Centre On GPS Location

Centres the map view on the GPS location. Enabled if the GPS device is enabled and connected.




Enables selection of items on the map, to show their properties.

Includes a drop-down list for selecting by point, area, circle, or polygon.

Map layer search

Map Layer Search

Opens the Map Layer Search dialog, which can be used to search for objects in layers loaded on a map, whether the map is displayed on the Map view or embedded in a report.

Use map properties

Use Map Properties

Enables selection of items on the map, to use the properties of those items in an open report.

Includes a drop-down list for selecting by point, area, circle, or polygon.

Use or copy coordinates

Options launcher Use/Copy Coordinates
Changes the mouse pointer. When the map is next clicked with this pointer, the Coordinates Destination dialog is opened. This dialog allows users to automatically populate the X and Y coordinates of a report from a pointer location on the map. Once the pointer has been clicked on a particular location on the map, the dialog can be used to copy the current X and Y coordinates onto suitable fields of a report, or onto the clipboard for pasting into other fields.

Capture Map Image

Options launcher Capture Map Image
Opens the Select Map Image Destination dialog, which is used to capture the currently displayed map to a JPEG, GIF, PNG, or bitmap file.

View online

Options launcher View Online
Opens the current map in a web browser.

Directions Online

Options launcher Directions Online

Toggles on and off.

Starts the Directions mode. You can now click on the map to indicate a start point. A line will be drawn between this start point and the current position of the mouse pointer. If you now click on an end point, an online map will open and directions for getting from your start point to your end point will be shown.

Go to coordinates

Options launcher Go To Coordinates
Opens the User Coordinates dialog, for specifying coordinates to centre the map on.

Reload map

Options launcher Reload Map




Opens the Measure dialog and changes the mouse pointer. Clicking at points on the map will now display distances between those points in the dialog.

Clear measure


Clears the measured distances that were created using the Measure command (see above).

New report

Create from

Creates a report using an existing map item for coordinates or geometry.

Used with the Using From dropdown.

Create at

Create at

For creating a report at a point, line, or area selected on the map.

Includes a drop-down list for selecting point, line, or polygon (dependent on the item selected from the Using Form dropdown).

Adds the Geometry group controls to this tab (for creating the report geometry, and to accept or cancel map geometry changes).

Using Form Drop-down list of forms upon which the created reports will be based.



Opens the Search Reports dialog, allowing you to search for reports for viewing or editing.

GPS enabled



Start or stops the connection to the GPS device. The icon changes to indicate the current GPS status.



Enables the download of the current location of all users and devices for this application/network combination.

The dropdown list contains the four types of data that can be displayed for a tracked user:

  • Photo
  • User
  • Device name
  • Date and time

If none are selected, you will not see the position of the tracked user on the map.

Available if tracking is enabled in the GPS section of the Application dialog.



Opens the Select Tracks dialog, which you can use to select the users that you want to track.

Available if tracking is enabled in the GPS section of the Application dialog.

Center on

Center On

Opens the Center On dialog, which allows you to centre the map on users or devices being tracked.

Available if tracking is enabled in the GPS section of the Application dialog, and when tracks are shown on the map.

Track details

Track Details

Opens the Track Details dialog for the track currently selected on the map.

Available if tracking is enabled in the GPS section of the Application dialog, and when tracks are shown on the map.

Export tracks

Options launcher Export Tracks

Opens the Export Tracks dialog, which allows you to export tracking data to a file.

Available when tracks are shown on the map.

Import tracks

Options launcher Import Tracks

Opens a standard Windows dialog for locating a file containing tracking data to be imported.

See Importing tracking data.

Supported file types are:

  • GPS exchange format (*.gpx)
  • Google Earth (*.kml)

Clear tracks

Options launcher Clear Tracks

For clearing all tracking data from the database, not just from the current map.

Opens the Select Tracks dialog, which you can use to select the tracking data that you want to clear from the database.

Available when tracks are not shown on the map.

Set up GPS

Options launcher Set Up GPS

Opens the GPS Information dialog, on which you can set the GPS conversion and minimum allowed quality for the recorded GPS data.

New layer

New (layer)

Opens the Configure Map Layer dialog, which you can use to configure new layers or edit existing layers.

Edit layer

Edit (layer)

Opens the Configure Map Layer dialog for you to edit the selected layer.

Manage layers

Manage (layer)

Opens the Manage Map Layers dialog, allowing Administrators and System Administrators to create, edit, delete, restore, and roll back layers.

New map

New (map)

Opens the Map Designer view for you to create a new map.

Edit map

Edit (map)

Opens the Map Designer view for you to edit the selected map.

Manage maps

Manage (map)

Opens the Manage Maps dialog, allowing Administrators and System Administrators to copy, delete, and restore maps.

Select map


Opens the Map Selection dialog, allowing you to either select a default map for the application or to select a map for the selected network.

Manage filters


Opens the Manage Filters dialog, allowing every InfoAsset Mobile user (regardless of the user level) to create, edit, and delete filters for viewing reports.

Filter reports

Filter Reports

Filter reports noneNone - If available, applies no filtering to the reports shown on the map.

Filter reports allocated Allocated - If available, shows reports that are allocated to the user or reports that are unallocated.

Filters list - Lists the filters that have been created using the Manage Filters dialog.

See Schedule Filter By Allocated Reports.


(See Note 1)



Accepts changes made to the map geometry.

If a line or polygon has been added to the map, clicking this icon opens the report generator.



Cancels changes made to the map geometry.



Available when there is no existing geometry for the report.

When highlighted, will create report geometry starting at the location you next click on the map.

When adding point geometry, opens the report generator, with the X and Y coordinates filled in.



Available when geometry for the report already exists.

Available when editing point, line, or polygon geometry.

When highlighted, allows geometry points on the map to be dragged to a new position.



Available when geometry for the report already exists.

Available when editing line geometry.

When highlighted, allows geometry points on the map to be added.



Available when geometry for the report already exists.

Available when editing line or polygon geometry.

When highlighted, allows geometry points on the map to be inserted.



Available when geometry for the report already exists.

Available when editing line or polygon geometry.

When highlighted, allows geometry points on the map to be deleted.

Note 1

The Geometry group appears:

  • when you select the Create at command in the Reports group of this tab; or
  • when you select the Create/Edit command in the Map group on the Report tab of the report generator.

Schedule tab

Group Command Description

Edit report


Opens the selected report for editing.

View report


Opens the selected report for viewing.

Open Work Package

Open Work Package

Opens the search dialog with the Work package field filled in for the relevant selected work package.

View on map

View on map

Centres the map view on the exact location of the report.



Displays the Report History dialog for the selected report.



Opens the Search Reports dialog, where reports can be searched for viewing or editing by title, last saved date, schedule date, and/or contents.



Sorts the scheduled items into ascending order.



Sorts the scheduled items into descending order.

Manage filters


Displays the Manage Filters dialog, where user-defined viewing filters can be created, edited, and deleted.

Filter reports

Filter Reports

Filter reports none None - Available only to users whose user level is above the value specified in the Schedule Filter By Allocated Reports property of the Application dialog.

Filter reports allocatedAllocated - Available only for people above the application restricted level, otherwise it is on implicitly. Enabling this filter will show only reports that are allocated to the user or reports that are unallocated.


Filter reports noneNone - If available, applies no filtering to the reports shown on the schedule.

Filter reports allocated Allocated - If available, shows reports that are allocated to the user or reports that are unallocated.

Filters list - Lists the filters that have been created using the Manage Filters dialog.

See Schedule Filter By Allocated Reports.

Go To



Brings the panel or column for today into view.

For views with a calendar, this function is also available from the Today button beneath the calendar.



Displays the Go To Date dialog where the date and view type (day, work, week, month or timeline view) may be specified.



Displays a single selected day on the Scheduler. This view gives the most detailed view of a scheduled report for a given day.

Work week

Work Week

Displays current or selected week (Monday to Friday) on the Scheduler.



Displays current or selected week including Saturday and Sunday on the Scheduler.



Displays current or selected month on the Scheduler. This view is the least detailed of the views, and is designed to allow you to browse and analyse long-term plans.



Displays a timeline view, with scheduled tasks as horizontal bars along the timescales, providing you with a clearer overview of scheduled tasks.

Edit categories

Edit Categories

Opens the Scheduler Categories dialog, which allows System Administrators and Administrators to create, view, and edit notes categories.



Performs a download followed by an upload for notes only (not reports). This consists of a download of any edited notes, followed by an upload of any new or edited notes (deleted notes are deleted).
Reminder Schedule reminder


Sets up schedule reminders.

The default value of 15 minutes will cause pop-up notifications to appear 15 minutes before scheduled occurrences. The notifications will appear as toast pop-ups where this is possible, or as standard dialogs where toast pop-ups are not supported.

You can choose one of the other values in the dropdown list. Selecting the blank entry will disable reminders.

Forms tab

Group Command Description

New report

New (report)

Opens the report generator for the selected form.


(Available only to administrators and system administrators.)

New form

New (form)

Clicking the icon opens the Form Designer, for designing a new form.

Clicking Using Template from the dropdown arrow opens the New Form dialog, from which you can select a template on which to base a new form.

Edit form


Opens the Form Designer, for editing the selected form.

Manage forms


Opens the Manage Forms dialog, which allows Administrators and System Administrators to import, copy, delete, restore, and roll back forms.



Lets you select one, two, or three columns for displaying the list of forms.

Reports tab

Group Command Description

List completed

List Saved

Shows saved reports in the list of reports.

List saved

List Completed

Shows completed reports in the list of reports.

Edit report


Opens the report generator in edit mode for the selected report.

View report


Opens the report generator in view mode for the selected report.

Open Work Package

Open Work Package

Opens the search dialog with the Work package field filled in for the relevant selected work package.

View on map

View On Map

If the report is included on a map, this command opens the map, centred on the report.



Opens the Report History dialog.

CSV export

CVS Export

Opens the CSV Export dialog, which is used to export reports to CSV files.



Opens the Search Reports dialog, allowing you to search for reports for viewing or editing. 

Delete Selected

Options launcher Delete Selected
Deletes the local report copy of the report selected in the list. Prompts for confirmation.

Delete Edited Reports

Options launcher Delete Edited Reports
Opens the Delete Local Reports dialog, which will let you delete any reports that have been edited but not published.

Clean Up

Options launcher Clean Up
Opens the Clean Up dialog.
Work Orders

Work order approval

Work Order Approval

Opens the Work Order Approval Management dialog, allowing you to add new approval level rules, set them up, and edit or delete them.

Awaiting approval

Awaiting Approval

Opens the Work Orders Awaiting Approval dialog, which shows all the work orders currently awaiting approval, allowing every InfoAsset Mobile user to check on the progress of approvals.

Manage filters


Opens the Manage Filters dialog, allowing every InfoAsset Mobile user (regardless of the user level) to create, edit, and delete filters for viewing reports.

Filter reports

Filter Reports

Filter reports none None - If available, applies no filtering to the list of reports.

Filter reports allocated Allocated - If available, shows reports that are allocated to the user or reports that are unallocated.

Filters list - Lists the filters that have been created using the Manage Filters dialog.

See Schedule Filter By Allocated Reports.

Synchronize tab

Group Command Description

Server communications enabled

Disable Server Communications /

Enable Server Communications

Server communications may be enabled or disabled depending on whether the user has logged in to the server or logged in locally.

Cancel Communications

Cancel Communications

Cancels the upload of large attachments.

Also available in the Status bar.


Full synchronization

Full Synchronization

Performs a report download followed by a report upload.

Upload only

Upload Only

Uploads all edited reports (saved or completed) to the server.

Download only

Download Only

Downloads any new reports then carries out an update check to see if any reports have been updated. If there are new versions of reports that have been edited, a dialog will be displayed requesting an action from the user. If there are new versions of reports that have not been edited, these will be downloaded.



Download saved reports only Only one of these options can be selected.
Download completed reports only


Download current users reports only This filter is in addition to the others.
Download scheduled reports only This filter is in addition to the others.
Download with restricted forms

Opens the Restricted Forms dialog, for selecting the forms to filter the download with.

This filter is in addition to the others.

Manage schedule

Manage Schedule

Opens the Manage Scheduled Synchronization dialog, for creating, editing, or deleting scheduled synchronization configurations for report download and upload. See Scheduled synchronizing of report uploads and downloads for more information.



Opens the Upload Reports dialog from where reports can be selected for upload to the server.



Opens the Download Reports dialog from where reports saved onto the server by other users can be downloaded locally. This command checks for new reports committed by others.

Check for updated reports

Check For Updated Reports

Checks for new versions of reports committed by other users and locally makes the updates. If you are only logged in locally, you will be prompted to enable server communication.

Note: Downloading reports and checking for updated reports are two actions that are fundamentally different. The former looks for new reports to download whilst the latter checks for new versions of existing reports to update.

Manage failed reports

Manage Failed Reports

Opens the Manage Failed Imports dialog, allowing you to manage reports that have not been successfully imported into InfoAsset Manager during a previous session. These reports can be re-submitted or ignored from this dialog.

We recommend that you perform this task if the Failed Report dialog has been displayed at login time.

Available only to Administrators and System Administrators.

Clear failed reports

Clear Failed Reports

Removes the extra information (such as reason for failure) that gets added when failed imported reports are downloaded in the Manage Failed Imports dialog.

Update reports on server

Update Reports On Server

Forces an export from InfoAsset Manager for selected reports based on forms that have been edited since the reports were uploaded. See Updating reports on the InfoAsset Mobile server. Available only to Administrators and System Administrators.

Download Attachments

Download missing

Download Missing

This will download all missing report attachments. It will initially show a window while it processes all of the reports that are available in the system. Once that is done it will start the download process in the background, taking account of the Include Large option, with the progress being shown on the toolbar of the main page and on any open reports.

Download With Report If checked, downloads attachments when downloading reports.
Include Large

If checked, downloads large attachments by default when any attachments are being downloaded.

Opening Report

For specifying what will happen when opening a report with missing attachments.


If any attachments are missing when opening a report, you will be asked whether the missing attachments should be downloaded. You are also shown the size of any missing large attachments and a checkbox lets you specify that these should be included in the download.

If you answer No when prompted, the attachments can still be downloaded when needed.

On Demand No checks will be made when the report is opened and the attachments can be downloaded when needed.
Always Automatically downloads attachments when the report is opened.
Upload Attachments

Upload large attachements

Upload Large

At report upload time, you may have been prompted about large attachments and you may have chosen not to upload these attachments at that time (see the Communications page of the Options dialog for more details). This command allows the upload to the server of any large attachments (for example, videos) that were not uploaded at the same time as the corresponding report.

If there are no attachments locally to upload, or there are attachments but they all already exist on the server, then a message is displayed saying that there are no large attachments to upload.

If there are attachments to upload, then you are told how many files have been detected and their total size, and you are prompted to continue with the upload or to cancel it. If you continue with the upload, the process continues in the background, with the status displayed in the status bar. Selecting the Cancel Communications Cancel Communications command in the ribbon or in the status bar will cancel the upload.

If while an upload is in progress you attempt to close InfoAsset Mobile, or change the user, application, network, or server, you will see a message saying that server operations are still in progress and asking you whether you want to cancel those operations. Cancelling the server operations will enable the upload of the large attachment to continue.


Check for updates

Check For Updates

Refreshes the current application if it has had some updates made by others. This is equivalent to both the Refresh Application and Refresh Dynamic Data commands, that are available from the Options dialog.

Tools tab

Group Command Description

Publish application

Publish Application

Opens the Publish Application dialog, which lets you select the application, forms, maps, and layers to publish.

Check for updates

Check For Updates

Refreshes the current application if it has had some updates made by others and opens the Report tab.

Download map layers and attachments

Download Map Layers And Attachments

Downloads any missing attachments and map layers and checks for updates to map layers.
Dynamic Data

Manage dynamic data


Opens the Manage Dynamic Data dialog, allowing Administrators and System Administrators to create, edit, copy or delete dynamic data sources that are used in the Dynamic Contents property of a combo box.

Download dynamic data


Opens the Refresh Dynamic Data dialog, which gives you option of performing and update of the dynamic data or a full refresh.

View dynamic data


Opens the Dynamic Data dialog, which lists categories of dynamic data and from which you can download the related permitted values from the server and display them.

Server status

Server Status

Opens the Server Status dialog (for InfoAsset Mobile), which contains tools for reporting on the status of the servers and updating a number of settings in one place, without having to use more advanced server interface tools.

Enable diagnostic information

Enable Diagnostic Information

When enabled, this option displays additional information either on the title bar and menus or via a context menu.

Open location

Open Location

Opens a standard Windows Explorer dialog showing the current log file location.

Open report location

Open Report Location

Opens a standard Windows Explorer dialog showing the current report directory.
System Logs

Start communications logging

Start/Stop Communications Logging

Enables /disables the logging of the communication between the client and the server. This may be useful for diagnostic purposes. See Enabling communication logging for more details.

Upload logs to server

Upload Logs To Server

Uploads the error and communications log files onto the InfoAsset Mobile server.

Retry Upload Of Existing Logs


Email log files

Email Log Files

Saves the current error and communications log files locally onto the user's desktop as a compressed file that can be subsequently e-mailed to Innovyze.

Clear error log

Clear Error Log

Deletes the error and communications log files on your device.
Disconnected System



Creates a ZIP file for sending to Innovyze support to help diagnose issues.



Opens a standard Windows dialog for opening a .mwhz ZIP file.



Opens a standard Windows dialog for opening an InfoAsset Mobile Application .xml file.
Theme Theme icons Changes the appearance of InfoAsset Mobile.

Help tab

Group Command Description



Displays the InfoAsset Mobile Help system.

Form tab

On the Form Designer ribbon.

Group Command Description

Save form


Saves changes made to the form.



Pastes data currently on the clipboard to the cursor location.



Copies the selection to the clipboard and removes the selected contents from the view.



Copies the selection to the clipboard.


Launcher Undo
Reverses the most recent action carried out.


Launcher Redo
Repeats the most recent action that was reversed.



Opens a system Print dialog for printing the current form.

Print preview

Print Preview

Opens a preview of the current form, from which you can print the form or export/send it.

Update from InfoAsset

Update From InfoAsset

Opens the Get Data From InfoAsset dialog, which gives you the choice of updating either choice list data or user objects from InfoAsset.

Update toolbox

Update Toolbox

Updates the list of user objects in the toolbox. This will be effective if changes have been made to user objects in InfoAsset and the Update From InfoAsset command has been used to update user objects.

Update dynamic data list

Update Dynamic Data List

Updates the user fields choice list data. This will be effective if changes have been made to user fields choice list data in InfoAsset and the Update From InfoAsset command has been used to update choice lists.

Map tab

On the Map Designer ribbon.

Group Command Description



Save any edits made to a map.



Turns on the panning mode. (Dragging moves the map on the view.)

Full extent

Full Extent

Zooms to the extent of the layers (or to the extent of the report and map groups combined) but only including the visible layers.

Zoom in

Zoom In

Turns on the zoom in mode. Clicking on the map once zooms in by a fixed amount. Dragging the mouse creates a box around the area you wish to magnify.

Tip: The mouse scroll wheel can be used to change zoom level on the map instead of using the Zoom In and Zoom Out commands.

See Zooming on the Map view.

Zoom out

Zoom Out

Turns on the zoom out mode. Clicking once on the map zooms out by a fixed amount.

Tip: The mouse scroll wheel can be used to change zoom level on the map instead of using the Zoom In and Zoom Out commands.

See Zooming on the Map view.

Previous zoom

Previous Zoom

Shows the previous zoom view, if any.

Next zoom

Next Zoom

Shows the next zoom view, if any.

Add layer

Add Layer

Opens the Map Layer dialog, for selecting a layer to add to the map.

Add Group

Add Group

For adding a group node to the layers tree on the Layers tab.

Available when report or map root nodes have been selected on the Layers tab.

Initially opens the Group Name dialog, for naming the group before it is added to the tree on the Layers tab.

Layers can be added to the tree beneath groups.

New layer


Opens the Configure Map Layer dialog, used to configure new layers.

Edit layer


Shows a drop-down list of layers. If you select one, the Configure Map Layer dialog is opened for editing that layer.

Manage layers


Opens the Manage Map Layers dialog.

Report tab

On the report generator.

Group Command Description



Saves the report without completing.



Completes the report.



Closes the report generator without saving or completing.




Opens a system Print dialog, for printing the current report.

Print Preview

Print Preview

Opens a preview of the current report, from which you can print the report or export/send it.

Download missing

Download Missing

This will download all missing report attachments. It will initially show a window while it processes all of the reports that are available in the system. Once that is done it will start the download process in the background, taking account of the Include Large option, with the progress being shown on the toolbar of the main page and on any open reports.

Include Large

If checked, downloads large attachments by default when any attachments are being downloaded.

Setting this option here affects only the current report session. See also Download Attachments.


View map

View Map

If the report is based on a map object, this command opens the map at the object.



For creating or editing the geometry of a report on a map.

The dropdown contains the type of geometry that is available for the type of report currently being edited (point, line, polygon).

Switches to the map in the main window, loading if required.

Adds the Geometry group controls to the Map tab (for creating or changing the geometry, and to accept or cancel the changes).

Use or copy coordinates

Use/Copy Coordinates

Opens the Map tab and changes the mouse pointer. When the map is next clicked with this pointer, the Coordinates Destination dialog is opened. This dialog allows users to automatically populate the X and Y coordinates of a report from a pointer location on the map. Once the pointer has been clicked on a particular location on the map, the dialog can be used to copy the current X and Y coordinates onto suitable fields of a report, or onto the clipboard for pasting into other fields.

Enter coordinates

Enter Coordinates

Opens the User Coordinates dialog, which allows users without a tethered GPS device to enter coordinates manually or using a URL, and then convert them automatically to the default map projection system defined for the application in InfoAsset Mobile (see Application dialog).
Use Map Properties

Use Map Properties

Enables selection of items on the associated map, to use the properties of those items in an the report.

View on map

View on map

If the report is included on a map, this command opens the map, centred on the report.

GPS enabled


Start or stops the connection to the GPS device. The icon changes to indicate the current GPS status.

Set up GPS

Set Up GPS

Opens the GPS Information dialog, on which you can set the GPS conversion and minimum allowed quality for the recorded GPS data.
CCTV For Distance
Dropdown list

IPEK options are Current section, SAT mode, and Total session.

When the connected device is active and giving readings, the readings will be shown against the list items for verification.

The item selected from the list is used when creating a defect.

Tooltip Shows any error information that the CCTV device may supply.

The workspace

System pages

Status bar

Schedule view (Scheduler)