Search Reports dialog

Note: Some of the fields on this dialog are used on the Search Criteria dialog. See the General, Schedule, and Status sections under Search criteria in the Work area table, below.

The Search Reports dialog allows you to search for reports for viewing or editing. 

The dialog is opened by selecting Search from the Reports group of the Schedule tab, or from the Reports group of the Reports tab.

ClosedShow image

Search Reports dialog

Search criteria are organised in tabs as described in the table below. Searches are not case-sensitive and are implemented only on basic field types.

A single criterion or a combination of criteria can be used to filter the search.


Group Command Description

Search locally

Search Locally

Searches for local reports meeting the criteria.

Search server

Search Server

Opens the Download Reports dialog for you to choose which reports on the server should be searched.



Clears the search criteria and the returned results.


(Available when reports are listed)

Edit report


Open the selected report for editing.

View report


Opens the selected report for viewing.

View on map

View On Map

Opens the map featuring the selected report.

Report history

Report History

Opens the Report History dialog for the selected report.

Work area




Dropdown list containing all the available forms for the current application.

<All Forms> searches reports independently of the form they originated from.

Search criteria


When searching using one or more criteria, you can type in part of the searched text or the full text. Wildcard search is implemented by default, therefore it is not necessary to type in the *.

Title The report title.
Special instructions

Additional instructions that the person carrying out work on the asset or task should be aware of.

Available only when Show Special Instructions has been enabled for the current application. See Application dialog.

Work package Available only when Show Work Package has been enabled for the current application. See Application dialog.
Work package type Available only when Show Work Package and Show Work Package Type have been enabled for the current application. See Application dialog.


For searching based on a date range and type.

Search date range

Last saved

Enters a date range from when the report was last saved to the current date.
From Last saved As above but with only a start date.

Scheduled Date

Enters a date range from when the report was scheduled to the current date.

From Scheduled date As above but with only a start date.

Completed/Resolved Date

Applies only to completed reports and will be available only if the Show Completed Resolved Date property is enabled for the current application.

Enters a date range from when the report was completed or resolved to the current date.

From Complete/Resolved Date As above but with only a start date.
From The start date for the search period. Clicking the down arrow control opens a calendar tool for selecting or changing the start date.
To The end date for the search period. Clicking the down arrow control opens a calendar tool for selecting or changing the end date.


For searching based on report schedule information.

Tip: Schedule date range, if applicable, is selected from the Date tab.

Resource <All> Includes all resources.
<Unassigned> Includes only unassigned resources.
list Includes the selected resource.


This section allows you to narrow down the search by report status.

Report status Saved and Completed, Saved, Completed  
Closed status

Any, Not Closed, Closed

Task phase Relates to the Task Phase field in InfoAsset Manager. The permitted values come from reports that have the Task Phase field.  
Work order status

Approved, Needs Processing, Not Required, Not Set, Pending, Rejected.

Available only if work order approval has been enabled for the application.



(Unavailable for forms without searchable fields)

This tab provides functionality to search inside reports for a restricted number of fields.

Note: The content of report grids, images, or sketches cannot be searched.

Add filter (button) Adds a new search filter to the Contents tab.
Remove filter (button) Deletes the selected search filter.
Filters to use

Operator to use when there is more than one filter specified in the Contents tab. Permitted values are ALL and ANY. Default is ALL.


For selecting the report field. A dropdown list containing the fields present on the form specified in the Form choice list (see above).


For selecting comparison operators. Permitted values depend on the field type.



Equals (matches the whole string).


Used for text fields, this operator allows users to perform partial comparisons (wildcard search).


Available for date, time and numeric fields.

Greater than.


Available for date, time and numeric fields.

Greater than or equal to.


Available for date, time and numeric fields.

Less than.


Available for date, time and numeric fields.

Less than or equal to.


For entering the field value to compare.

  Results grid

This grid displays the results of the search.

Searching for reports