System pages


Item Description
Static information Current information about the application, network, user, server, version, and licence.
View Server Information Populates the adjacent panel with information about the server.


Item Description
Update From Server Click to get the latest list of applications from the server to which you are currently connected.
List of applications The current application is shown with a green tick mark. You can select another listed application by clicking it.
New Opens the Application dialog for you to create a new application by setting its properties.
Edit Opens the Application dialog for you to edit the properties of an existing application.
Manage Opens the Manage Application dialog for you to view application history, import applications, roll back the current application, delete applications, and restore applications.
Check For Updates Checks for application updates and lets you update applications.


Item Description
Update From Server Click to get the latest list of networks from the server to which you are currently connected.
List of networks The current network is shown with a green tick mark. You can select another listed network by clicking it.


Item Description
List of servers The current server is shown with a green tick mark. You can select another listed server by clicking it.
Manage Opens the Manage Server Connections dialog for you to create a new connection, change the current connection, or modify an existing connection.


Item Description
Configure Licence Opens the Client Licence Key Setup dialog.
Manage Field Licences Opens the Field Licence Management dialog for you to see the allocated field licences on the server, release any field licences that are no longer required, and validate connectionless system licences.
Manage Users Opens the User Management dialog for you to add new users, edit or delete existing users, reset PINs, and restore deleted users.
Manage User Groups Opens the User Group Management dialog for you to add new user groups or to edit or delete existing user groups.
Change Pin Opens the Change Pin Number dialog for you to change your personal identification number (PIN).
Manage Connectionless System Opens a Windows file selection dialog for locating the connectionless field licence that you want to manage. Then opens the Manage Connectionless System dialog.
Synchronize Connectionless System Opens a Windows file selection dialog for locating the connectionless field licence that you want to synchronize with. Then opens the Synchronization page of the Manage Connectionless System dialog.
View Connectionless System Opens a Windows file selection dialog for locating the connectionless field licence that you want to view. Then opens the View Connectionless System dialog.


Opens the Options dialog.


Item Description
Apply/Ignore Platform Restriction

Turns the application platform restriction on or off. If on, you will be able to view the application on any platform that it has been set up for.

Note: This option is initially available to all users. However, after you have logged in and your role has been determined, then a suitable warning message is displayed if you do not have sufficient privileges to access an application from a particular platform. You can then select another application and the restriction option will be automatically turned off.

Log out Log out as the current user but leave InfoAsset Mobile open for login by another user.
Exit Log out of and close InfoAsset Mobile.

The workspace


Status bar

Schedule view (Scheduler)