The workspace
The workspace consists of the following major sections:
- Titlebar - The software titlebar shows the product name and version, the name of the current application, and the name of the current network.
- Quick access toolbar - By default, the quick access toolbar has icons for synchronizing reports and publishing applications, and is located in the titlebar. However, any command icon in the ribbon (see below) can be added to the quick access toolbar from an option on that icon's context menu. Also, the quick access toolbar can be moved to below the ribbon by an option in its own drop-down control, or from the context menu of any command icon.
- Ribbon - The ribbon is a command bar that organizes the program's features into a series of tabs at the top of the work areas (see below).
- System pages - The system pages are accessed from the System link in the ribbon and are for managing applications, networks, servers, users, and general options.
- Work areas - These comprise:
- The main area beneath the ribbon, incorporating the Map view, the Scheduler, forms list, and reports list.
- The Form Designer - a separate window with its own ribbon, for creating forms.
- The Map Designer - a separate window with its own ribbon, for creating maps based on layers.
- The Report Generator - a separate window with its own ribbon, for generating reports based on forms.
- Status bar - This area beneath the main work area provides additional information, such as the name of the current server and its status.