Map view

The map view is displayed beneath the ribbon on the Map tab, which is visible only if enabled. The map it shows contains all the layers (static, dynamic, image, and local dynamic) that have been added to it using the Map Designer. Various features of the map are set by the properties in the Map section of the Application dialog.

ClosedShow image

This map can be an overview map that staff in the field could use to find their location (via the GPS device or by using the Pan and Zoom controls on the Map tab) when filling in reports.

A scale bar is displayed to allow easy estimation of distances. Scale and zoom are also displayed. The zoom is in the coordinate units.

Item Description
Layer tree Lists the map layers.
Map area

Shows a map containing all the layers (static, dynamic, image, and local dynamic) that have been added to it using the Map Designer.

Map context menu options
Pan Turns on the panning mode. (Dragging moves the map on the view.)
Zoom in Turns on the zoom in mode. (Clicking on the map zooms in.)
Zoom out Turns on the zoom out mode. (Clicking on the map zooms out.)
Zoom to full extent Zooms the view in or out to show the entire map within the window.
Center map Centres the map, at the current zoom level, on the click point.
View online... Opens the map online in the default browser, using the web mapping software defined in the External Internet Map field of the Application dialog.
Directions from here Sets a start point for directions on an online map. Clicking at the end point will open the online map.
Directions to here Sets an end point for directions on an online map. Clicking at the start point will open the online map.
Layer tree context menu options
Zoom to layer / Zoom to group Zooms the view in or out to show the entire layer or group within the Map view.
Layer visible / Group visible Turns layer or group visibility on or off.
Label visible Turns label visibility on or off.
Allow layer selection ~

The workspace

Map tab

Working with maps