Moving reports and work packages on the Scheduler

Scheduled reports and work packages can be repositioned/moved directly on the Scheduler:

To move a report or work package:

Some data stored with the report or work package will change when it is moved.

User restrictions

By default, all users with the exception of guests are allowed to move reports and work packages. However, Administrators and System Administrators can implement a restriction at user level, preventing specific categories of user from moving reports.

To restrict report and work package movement at user level:

For example, setting this property to Supervisor will prevent users who are supervisors and below (that is, engineers) from moving reports and work packages on the Scheduler.

Report status restrictions

Whether a report can be moved depends on its status:

Work package status restrictions

Normally, subject to user restrictions (see above), a work package can be moved on the calendar view, and any CCTV inspections or other tasks associated with it are moved at the same time.

However, by default, the work package will not be moved unless all the CCTV inspections or other tasks have:

You can override the above restrictions, to allow work packages to be moved anyway.

To remove the restrictions on moving work packages:

Schedule view (Scheduler)