Automatic synchronizing of report uploads and downloads

Automatic synchronization of reports is a very useful way of uploading InfoAsset Mobile reports onto the server and downloading reports from the server. The synchronization operations only occur when a user is logged in to InfoAsset Mobile.

You can choose to automatically:

You can also choose the duration between each synchronization, and whether or not synchronization takes place automatically when a user logs in to InfoAsset Mobile.

This functionality is available to all users with a level above Engineer.

To configure an automatic synchronization:

  1. Select System | Options.
  2. The Options dialog is displayed.

  3. Expand the Communications option (by clicking on the Expand (+) button).
  4. Click the Synchronization option. The Synchronization sub-page is displayed.
  5. Select the mode that is to be used for automatic synchronization from the Auto synchronization dropdown list:
    • Disabled - turns off automatic synchronization
    • Upload only - uploads all edited reports (saved or completed) to the server
    • Download only - downloads any new reports and check if any reports have been updated
    • Full synchronization - performs a download followed by an upload
    • Default mode - uses the same mode for the automatic synchronization as is set in the Default mode field located at the top of this dialog. If required, you can change the setting in the Default mode field by selecting the appropriate option from its dropdown list.

    Note: If the mode is set to either Download only, Full synchronization or Default mode (and the Default mode includes downloading of reports), then the reports will be downloaded according to the information specified in the 'download' fields. See Step 5.

  6. If the automatic synchronization is to include the downloading of any reports, then:
    1. Choose which reports are to be download from the Download mode dropdown list. The options include:
      • All reports
      • Completed
      • Saved reports only
    2. Set the period between which reports are to be downloaded in the Download from and To fields.

      You can type-in a date or use the arrows to select a date in the first box, and then select a time period in the past in the second box.

      Dates are always relative to the current day.

    3. Check the Download current users reports only box if only reports that have a scheduled resource with a value that matches the username are to be downloaded.

      If this option is not selected, all reports for all scheduled users will be downloaded.

    4. Choose which, if any, reports are to be deleted after they have been downloaded from the Delete reports outside the date range after downloading dropdown list. The options include:
      • All reports - All reports falling outside the synchronization period will be deleted.
      • Saved reports only - All saved reports falling outside the synchronization period will be deleted.
      • Completed - All reports falling outside the synchronization period will be deleted.
      • No - No reports will be deleted.
  7. Select the duration between each synchronization operation from the Every dropdown list. The duration can be set to every 30 minutes, or to every 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 hours after the user logs in.

    Note: If a user logs out before the elapsed time is reached, then no automatic synchronization will occur.

  8. Check the Synchronize on startup box if you want synchronization to occur automatically when the user logs in to InfoAsset Mobile. Any subsequent automatic synchronizations after the user logs in will occur according to the elapsed duration specified in the Every field.

    Note: If this box is checked then it will supersede the option set in the Download any new or updated reports on startup box in the Communications Page. An appropriate warning message will be displayed and the Download any new or updated reports on startup box is automatically disabled.

  9. Click OK to confirm the configuration and close the window.


About synchronization of report uploads and downloads