Copying X and Y coordinates from maps for pasting into open reports

The X and Y coordinates of a report can be automatically copied from a cursor location on the map. This functionality applies to open reports with no map, using the main map, or with an embedded map.


  1. Open an existing report that ideally has X/Y coordinate fields, although having these fields is not a prerequisite.

    Tip: Using this functionality when no report is open allows users to copy the X and Y coordinates onto the clipboard for pasting later.

  2. Go to the map and zoom or pan as required.

    As mentioned before, the map can be set at application level, in which case it can be found in the Map tab, or it can be embedded in the report, in which case it will be displayed in a suitable control inside the report (for example, image, sketch of photo control).

  3. Enable the XY mode by selecting Use/copy coordinates, or press Ctrl+M.
  4. Click the map at the location where the report is to be created.

    The Coordinates Destination dialog is displayed.

    The Coordinates section displays the X and Y coordinates at the selected map location.

    The report should be selected by default in the top dropdown list of the Destination section.

    If X and Y coordinate fields are present on the report, these will be picked by default in the X and Y boxes, respectively.

    If these fields are not present on the report, <no destination> will be shown and the user can select other destination fields from the text fields present on the report.

  5. Click OK.

    The X and Y coordinates corresponding to the cursor location on the map now populate the report fields that were selected previously.


Editing reports