Graph Pick Selection Dialog

This dialog is displayed when viewing simulation results using the graph pick tool on the Results Toolbar. It is also displayed when viewing simulation results on the GeoPlan by right-clicking on a network object, and selecting the Graph option from the context menu.

The graph pick tool is used to display a graph of time varying data for a single network object.

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Graph Pick Selection Dialog

The dialog offers a choice of time varying data to graph. The list will be appropriate to the type of network object selected. More than one parameter can be selected for graphing by using the CTRL and SHIFT keys.

When comparing results in a GeoPlan, the Graph alternate results for comparison option becomes available. Check this option to graph attributes for both simulations currently loaded in the GeoPlan Window. If this option is unchecked, only the results for the first set of simulation results will be graphed.

Select the data to graph and click OK to display the Graph View.

When graphing results for a single simulation, InfoWorks ICM will display rainfall by default and ground level if graphing a level parameter.

Viewing Replays of a Simulation