About polygons and polyline objects

This section describes working with polygon and polyline objects in InfoWorks WS Pro in general terms. Individual object types may have specific creation and editing issues. Refer to the help for these objects for more information.

A polygon or polyline is made up of a series of vertices and edges. Vertices can be moved, deleted or added. Vertices can also be snapped to vertices of other polygon or polyline objects. These shared vertices can then be moved together. See the following topics for further details:

Geometry data of polygon objects can be cleaned to reduce the number of vertices and to correct self intersection by use of the simplify geometry tool.

Selected pairs of polygons of the same type can be combined to form a single merged polygon by use of the merge polygons tool.

Polygon object types

The table below lists the polygon objects available in InfoWorks WS Pro and the creation and editing tools for each object.

Object Creation Tool Editing Tool Toolbar

Polygons and Node Polygons


Reshape polygon

Tools Toolbar

Object Group

Reshape polygon

Tools Toolbar

Polyline object types

The table below lists the polyline objects available in InfoWorks WS Pro and the creation and editing tools for each object.

Object Creation Tool Editing Tool Toolbar

Tools toolbar

About network objects

Digitising network objects

Editing network object geometry

About snapping mode

Simplifying object geometry

Merging polygons

GeoPlan window