About price of water (PoW)
You can make an estimate for the cost of water in your water supply system, by including a unit price for water transfer through any pipe or control.
You can apply a different unit price to flow in the usual direction (From Node to To Node) and the opposite direction (To Node to From Node). To allow you to apply prices to both import and export, or the bulk sale of water, negative unit prices are allowed.
As an aid to reporting, the cost at a particular node can be given a category. The built-in categories are listed below, and you can add your own categories if needed.
Using price of water
A common use of this facility would be to calculate the cost of water imported to or exported from the water supply system. You would apply a positive price on links attached to transfer nodes for all imported water, and a negative price on the same links for flow out of the system.
You can also come up with a comprehensive estimate of the total cost of water in the system, by applying a cost to all links. For pumps, this cost will represent costs in addition to the electricity cost calculated from the Electricity Tariff. You can then add the Price of Water figures to the electricity costs to get a total cost estimate.
Price categories
For each link you can include the cost of water in each direction in a category. For example you may include the price of water in the From Node - To Node direction in the Export category.
Available categories are:
- Treatment - total cost of water treatment, which may include filtration or chemical treatment
- Chemical Treatment - total cost of chemical water treatment
- Chlorination - cost of chlorine injection and dosing
- Import - cost of bulk water imported to the network
- Export - cost of bulk water exported to the network (this cost would be negative)
- Transport - transport costs or revenue for water transfer
- Extraction - cost of well or borehole extraction
- Pumping - any costs other than electricity costs from the electricity tariff. For example maintenance or depreciation costs
- Other - user defined
You can also add your own categories by typing them into the box. These new categories are not added to the list, so you will have to type them each time you want to use them.
Using in a simulation
The only thing you have to do to include Price of Water calculation in your simulation is to include Price of Water parameters for at least one link.
Using in a BalanceNet simulation
To factor the cost of water into a BalanceNet optimisation it is necessary for Price of Water values to be specified on the property sheets of one or more pipes and for the Cost management option to be enabled for these pipes (See Pipe Control data fields for more information).
Editing data
There are four additional parameters for any link that includes control data. So you must have a control data set open with the network.
You can only edit the data on the property sheet, so open the property
sheet for the link (double-click the row in the grid or use the tool on the GeoPlan window) and choose the Pipe Control
You can now set unit cost and category information for flow in each direction.
If you have included Price of Water parameters for at least one link,
additional results fields are displayed on the Network Object results
grids. Display the link result grids using the button. These
fields are:
- Forward Cost of Water - From Node to To Node.
- Reverse Cost of Water - To Node to From Node.