Custom Label Settings dialog - Content page

The Content page of the Custom Label Settings dialog allows you to specify the text to be displayed on labels.

The page is displayed when you select the Label icon Label on the Tools menu, double-click a label on the GeoPlan window, then select the Content tab.

Item Description
Field List (option button)

Used to select one or more fields to be displayed from a list of fields.

List area

Lists the data fields that can be displayed on labels. Also lists SQL expressions created via the Layer Theme Editor.

Check the box for each item that you want to appear on the label.


Include Object ID : includes the object ID in the label.

Include Title : includes the field name in front of the value on the label (e.g. Shape ID CIRC).

Include Units : displays the parameter units.

Free Text (option button)

Used to type or paste one or more lines of text, and/or include object database field name(s). Values of object fields can also be included.

Drop-down list Field names that can be inserted into the text. Results field names are listed after user fields.
Insert Field (button) Click to insert the selected field name into the text.
Text area

Area for entering your own text and field names.

Entering an object database field name within curly brackets will display the value of the field when the label is attached to an appropriate network object. Type the field name into the text box directly, or select the field from the drop-down list and click the Insert Field button.

If SQL expressions have been created via the Layer Theme Editor, entering the expression name in curly brackets will display the value of the expression when the label is attached to an appropriate object.

Similarly, if results are loaded in the GeoPlan, entering an object results field name within curly brackets (e.g. Minimum Pressure = {pressure}), will display the results value of that field when the label is attached to an appropriate network object.

Working with GeoPlan labels

Custom Label Settings dialog

Custom Label Settings dialog - Formatting page

Layer Theme Editor dialog