Custom Label Settings dialog

This dialog allows the display options of labels on the GeoPlan window to be edited.

The dialog is displayed when you select the Label icon Label on the Tools menu and then double-click a label on the GeoPlan window.

For details on using labels on the GeoPlan window, see Working with GeoPlan labels.

The following buttons are available on the dialog and some may be enabled or disabled depending if you are editing the label for a particular object or all the labels for an object type:

Button Description
Save As Default

Saves the settings currently displayed in the dialog for use as default settings for all subsequently opened views of the same type.

Available only when the dialog is opened from the Custom Label column on the Layers And Themes page of the GeoPlan Properties And Themes dialog.

Apply All

Applies the settings currently displayed in the dialog to all the existing labels on objects of the same type in the current window.

Available only when the dialog is opened from the Custom Label column on the Layers And Themes page of the GeoPlan Properties And Themes dialog.


Closes the dialog and removes the label from the GeoPlan.

Available only when the dialog is opened by double-clicking a label on the GeoPlan.

OK Closes the dialog and applies changes to the label(s).
Cancel Closes the dialog and does not apply any changes to the label(s).
Apply Applies changes to the label(s) without closing the dialog.
Help Opens related Help topics.

Custom Label Settings dialog - Content page

Custom Label Settings dialog - Formatting page

Working with GeoPlan labels

GeoPlan window

GeoPlan Properties and Themes dialog - Layers and Themes page