Flushing Scheduler - Simulations page

This page is used to specify:

The page is opened by clicking the Simulations tab on the Flushing Scheduler.

ClosedShow image

Item Description
Flushing Simulation

Drag a simulation here from the Model Group window, or use the Browse button to select one.

Base Simulation

Drag a simulation here from the Model Group window, or use the Browse button to select one.

Create Flushing Simulation

Enabled when only a base simulation has been added.

Creates a new flushing simulation from the base simulation.

The flushing simulation will be created in the same run group as the base simulation and will automatically be selected as the flushing simulation in the Flushing Scheduler.

Flushing Scheduler dialog

Flushing Scheduler - Schedule page

Flushing Scheduler - Criteria & Hydrants page

About flushing simulations