Flushing Scheduler - Criteria & Hydrants page

This page is divided into three sections:

The page is opened by clicking the Criteria & Hydrants tab on the Flushing Scheduler.

ClosedShow image

Criteria section

This section is used to:

Criteria Description Default Value

Minimum required velocity

Minimum required velocity in pipes being flushed.

1.5 m/s

Minimum required shear stress

Minimum required shear stress in pipes being flushed.

A value of 0 means no check will take place.


Refresh count

The number of times the water in a flushed pipe should be refreshed.


Maximum velocity fluctuation

Maximum fluctuation in velocity in pipes that have not yet been flushed and are not being flushed in the current flushing action.

0.4 m/s

Maximum shear stress fluctuation Maximum fluctuation in shear stress in pipes that have not yet been flushed and are not being flushed in the current flushing action. 0

Maximum flush volume

Maximum volume of water to be used per flushing action.

A value of 0 means no check will take place.


Minimum between action interval

Minimum time interval between the end of one flushing action and the start of the next.

30 mins

Hydrants section

This section is used to define flushing point characteristics.

Each row in the hydrants grid defines a hydrant type which can then be assigned to a flushing point in the Selected Action section of the Schedule page.

Item Parameter Description
Grid columns


Hydrant Type identifier.


The internal diameter of the hydrant fitting.

Relative Outlet Elevation

Elevation of the hydrant outlet to be used in flow calculation RELATIVE to the node elevation.

Local Loss Coefficient

Branch minor loss coefficient. The headloss coefficient due to change of flow direction and diameter change.

Valve Diameter

Diameter of the hydrant valve when fully open.

Valve Curve

The name of the hydrant valve curve.

If there is a network open, a valve curve from the current network can be selected from a dropdown list.

See the Valve topic for more details on types of valves.

Loss coeff (open)

Local headloss coefficient when the hydrant valve is open.


The length of pipe associated with the hydrant.

Default value = 0.

Friction Type

The formula used for roughness calculations. Can be Darcy Weisbach, Hazen Williams, or Colebrook White. See Pipe calculation information.

CW - k

HW - c

DW - f

The roughness of the pipe associated with the hydrant

Fire Flow

For defining a hydrant type based on fire flow data.

A Fire Flow Data object dragged here will be used to populate the hydrant characteristics.

Note: The Hydrants grid contains additional optional attributes (for length, friction type, and roughness) that are not defined for fire flow data objects.

Pick Hydrant

For defining a hydrant type based on a hydrant object on the GeoPlan.

Clicking the button then selecting a hydrant on the GeoPlan will populate the hydrant characteristics from the hydrant node data.

Note: The Hydrants grid contains additional optional attributes (for length, friction type, and roughness) that are not defined for hydrant nodes.

GeoPlan section

Settings in this section affect the display of flushing schedule actions in the GeoPlan window. The display controls apply when a single Action is selected on the Schedule page.

GeoPlan themes and labelling can be used to display flushing status and velocity fluctuation graphically.

Field Description Default Value

Flushing Action No. Field

The selected User Text field will be used to display the action number for pipe objects.


Flushing Status Field

The selected User Text field will be used to display the flushing status value for pipe objects.

Flushing status value may be set to:

  • Not Flushed
  • Being Flushed
  • Flushed


Velocity Fluctuation Field

The selected User Text field will be used to display the velocity fluctuation value for pipe objects.

The field will be blank if the velocity fluctuation criterion is not exceeded before the pipe is flushed. If there is a velocity fluctuation problem in the pipe, the amount of the velocity fluctuation, the action number at which it first occurred, and the action number at which the pipe was flushed will be displayed.


Flushing Point marker

The symbol defined for the selected spatial data type will be used to mark nodes defined as flushing points in the currently selected action.


To Be Closed Link marker

The symbol defined for the selected spatial data type will be used to mark links defined as to be closed in the currently selected action.

<Default Marker>

Staying Closed Link marker

The symbol defined for the selected spatial data type will be used to mark links closed in a previous action that will remain closed during the currently selected action.


Opened Link Marker

The symbol defined for the selected spatial data type will be used to mark links defined as open in the currently selected action.


Flushing Scheduler dialog

Flushing Scheduler - Schedule page

Flushing Scheduler - Simulations page