About fire flow data objects

The Fire Flow Data object is used when carrying out a hydrant testing fire flow simulation.

Fire flow data parameters are specified in the Fire Flow Data editor. These parameters will be used for regular nodes tested during the hydrant testing simulation.

To open the Fire Flow Data Editor, drag a Fire Flow Data object from the tree view onto the main window, or right-click the Fire Flow Data object and select Open.

ClosedShow image

Fire Flow Data editor

Hydrant nodes tested during a hydrant testing simulation will either use parameters specified at the individual hydrant node or parameters specified on the Fire Flow Data editor.

For more information on using fire flow data, see Hydrant Testing.

Section Description

Hydrant Testing Constraints

Minimum Flow

The minimum flow required at the hydrant to satisfy fire fighting requirements.

Maximum Flow

The maximum flow required at the hydrant to satisfy fire fighting requirements.

Min Residual Pressure

The minimum allowed residual pressure at the test node during a fire incident.

Zone Min Residual Pressure

The minimum required pressure at each node in the same fire zone as the test node.

The fire zone can be specified on the Node Definition page or on the Nodes grid for all nodes.

Network Min Residual Pressure

The minimum required pressure at each node in the network that is not in the same fire zone as the test node.

This constraint is used to check that required level of service is met throughout the network at the time of the fire incident, therefore only basic nodes with demand will be tested against the network pressure constraint. Basic nodes without demand, and fixed head, well and reservoir nodes, will not be included when testing for network minimum residual pressure.

The fire zone can be specified on the Node Definition page or on the Nodes grid for all nodes.

Keep Local Demand (check box)

If checked, local demand (demand specified on the Node Demand page) will be applied at the test node at hydrant testing time. If this box is not checked, local demand will be cancelled at hydrant testing time.

Note: The setting of the Cancel Non-Hydrant Flow at Test Nodes check box in the Fire Flow Options dialog will override the setting of this check box.

Hydrant Parameters


The internal diameter of the hydrant fitting.

Relative Outlet Elevation

Elevation of the hydrant outlet to be used in flow calculation RELATIVE to the node elevation.

Local Loss Coefficient

Branch minor loss coefficient. The headloss coefficient due to change of flow direction and diameter change.

Hydrant Valve Parameters
Valve Diameter

Diameter of the hydrant valve when fully open.

Valve Curve

The name of the hydrant valve curve.

If there is a network open, a valve curve from the current network can be selected from a dropdown list.

Loss Coeff.(Open)

Local headloss coefficient when the hydrant valve is open.

Database object list

Fire Flow Options dialog - Hydrant Testing view

Creating groups within a model group

Creating a database object within a group