About GeoPlan themes
Themes allow you to display a particular parameter graphically on the GeoPlan window. For example, different pipe diameters can be shown in different colours and widths.
You can set up themes for any network object: node, link, subcatchment, or polygon parameter. Contour plots of mapping data from a ground model can also be displayed.
Each network object has a base theme. You can use this to change the general depiction of the object on the GeoPlan. However, the base theme sets the composite appearance of a network object, not the appearance of its individual parameters. So, for example, all pipes would be shown in the same colour, irrespective of their width. To change the depiction of a particular parameter of an object, such as pipe diameter, you must create a sub theme for the object. In the sub theme, you define how you want the parameter to be depicted on the GeoPlan. For example, you may decide that you want small-bore pipes to be shown in red, and large-bore pipes to be shown in blue.
You can create more than one sub theme for the same parameter of an object, for example its diameter. In this case, although the different sub themes are for the same parameter, they can be for different properties of the object. Thus, one diameter sub theme could define the colour of a pipe, while another diameter sub theme could define its width. If both sub themes were enabled, both the colour and width of the pipe would be depicted on the GeoPlan as defined in the sub themes.
You can also create sub themes for a parameter that define the same property: for example there could be two sub themes for the diameters of pipes, one showing the different sizes in shades of red, the other in shades of blue. In this case, the sub theme with the highest precedence would be used to determine which definition was used; in other words whether a pipe diameter is shown in red or in blue. You can set the precedence of sub themes.
Access and use
GeoPlan themes are accessed by right-clicking the GeoPlan and selecting Properties & Themes (which opens the Layers and Themes page of the GeoPlan Properties and Themes dialog), then by clicking in the Theme column.
Themes and contour plots of many different types of data can be displayed on the GeoPlan window. The chosen parameters can be a static network parameter with a fixed display or a results parameter during a replay of a simulation. For time varying results parameters, the display will be continually updated during the course of the replay.
It is also possible to display SQL expressions by themes, which can be used for viewing differences in results between two simulations.
Themes can be saved in a theme group within a model group in the Model Group window.
Refer to Managing themes for details on how to create, edit, delete, or save themes.
Factory themes
When creating a theme group for a model group, you are given the option to load two sets of predefined themes at that time: Factory (overwrite) themes and Factory (add) themes.
The Factory (overwrite) themes can each be applied to a network to achieve an overall thematic depiction. The Factory (add) themes can each be applied to a network to achieve partial thematic coverage, building up thematic depiction with each addition.
See New Name dialog for details.
Thematic key
The Thematic Key window displays details about the current theme and contour settings, as well as other network display settings. This window can be docked at the side of the main window; therefore it can remain visible at all times while you are working in InfoWorks WS Pro.
The display in the Thematic Key window is controlled by settings in the:
- GeoPlan Properties And Themes dialog - Visual page where settings can be made for several themes at once.
- Editor pane (right pane) of the Layer Theme Editor where settings can be made for the specific theme being displayed.
Theme precedence
The order in which sub themes appear in the manager pane (left pane) of the Layer Theme Editor is important as it determines the order in which they are applied to the GeoPlan.
The base or default theme is applied first and later themes may override earlier themes if they are applied to the same properties, over the same zoom/scale range. Properties are the object type-specific attributes (such as symbol, symbol colour, line style, line width, etc.) available to pick from in the Properties section of the editor pane. The details of the selected properties are shown in the Ranged Themes grid on the editor pane.
The toolbar Move Up and Move Down
buttons of the manager pane should be used to respectively promote or demote sub themes.
Tip: Disabled themes are themes that are not displayed on the GeoPlan window. Such themes are not subject to theme precedence as they are hidden. To enable a hidden theme, select it in the manager pane and click the Enable/Disable button on the toolbar. Once enabled, a theme will follow the theme precedence rules described above.
Layer zoom levels
All themes have zoom levels. This means that different themes can be set up for the same layer but that they may be applied at different zoom/scale levels.
Tip: Zoom or scale levels are available to configure in the Visible Range section of the Layer Theme Editor manager pane.
GeoPlan Properties and Themes dialog - Layers and Themes page
Displaying a Ground Model on the GeoPlan