About flushing simulations

Flushing simulations can be set up to model the effects of a sequence of actions carried out on the network for the purpose of cleaning the network by flushing the pipes with water.

The flushing simulation uses a checked in network and control data. The actions to be applied to the network during the simulation are defined in a Flushing Schedule object.

The setting up of a flushing simulation is described in Using the Flushing Scheduler.

The flushing simulation can be used by the Flushing Scheduler to provide an interactive design view to support the design and evaluation of a flushing schedule. It is not necessary to run the simulation prior to use in the Flushing Scheduler.


Results of a flushing simulation can be viewed as for a Normal simulation type. To analyse the impact of flushing on normal use of the network, use service level reporting.

About simulations

Flushing Options dialog

Schedule Hydraulic Run view

Creating and scheduling a run