Live Data grid - Live Data Composite Feed view

This view allows live data feeds to be combined into composite feeds. A number of primary feeds are combined by addition and subtraction, by using a multiplier factor. Interpolation is used if time steps do not coincide.

The view is opened by double-clicking a live data configuration object in the Model Group window, then clicking the Live Data Composite Feed tab.

ClosedShow image

Live Data Composite Feed view

Item Description
Left-most column

If clicked, selects the whole row.

A forward triangle indicates the current row.

An asterisk indicates where a new object can be created by entering its details (in this case, by entering a feed name).

Feed Name

User name for the composite feed.

Feed Count


Corresponds to the number of live data feeds used in the composite feed (feeds given a factor that is not 0).

Feeds Opens the Composite Feeds dialog, which is used to combine feeds into composite feeds. The dialog can also be used to test / check the results of the query.
Main context menu options
Copy Copies the value(s) of the selected cell(s) to the clipboard. Several cells can be selected in the same row.

Opens the Composite Feeds dialog, which is used to combine feeds into composite feeds. The dialog can also be used to test / check the results of the query.

About live data

Live Data grid

Live Data grid - Live Data Feed view

Live Data grid - Live Data Logon view

Live Data grid - Live Data Lookup view

Live Data grid - Live Data Export view

Composite Feeds dialog