Static Demand Allocation wizard - Potential Allocation Pipes page

When this page of the Static Demand Allocation wizard opens, a progress bar entitled Scanning All Pipes in the Network may appear.

On the Review Data page there are options to select a subset of the customer point data, using a polygon and data flag to limit the customer points used for demand allocation.

On this page there are options to select a subset of pipes in the network to which the demand can be allocated.

ClosedShow image

Data field Description

Include Pipes Selection List

Limit the pipes to a specific set by including a selection. Either drag one or more selection lists into the box or browse for selection lists using the Browse button. Alternatively, select pipes in the GeoPlan window and click the Current button to choose current selection. An option will appear to include pipes between selected nodes.

If the Selection list box is left empty, InfoWorks will assume that all pipes are available for allocation.

Within Network Polygon

Limit the area in which pipes are included using a polygon. Both ends of the pipe must fall within the polygon for the pipe to be included

Excluding Pipes Selection List

Limit the pipes to a specific set by excluding a selection. Either drag one or more selection lists into the box or browse for selection lists using the Browse button.

Demand to be Removed


Options to remove existing demand at all pipes in the set that has been defined using the options above. If none of the options are selected, the allocation of all existing demand will be left unchanged. One or more options may be selected to remove any combination of:

  • Property based
  • Average
  • Direct
  • Equivalent Persons


None, some, or all of the above filtering processes may be carried out. So, you could:


Click Next to continue. A progress bar entitled Scanning All Pipes in the Network may appear.

The Allocate to Network page of the Static Demand Allocation wizard is displayed.

About customer points

Customer Points grid window

Using selection lists

Static Demand Allocation wizard - overview