Water Quality Options dialog

Allows additional options to be set for water quality runs.

The dialog is opened from the Schedule Hydraulic Run view, by clicking the Options button when the run type is Water Quality.

ClosedShow image

Item Description

Trace Nodes

Up to ten trace nodes can be selected.

Selection Selection List You can add a selection list of trace nodes to this box. If there are more than ten nodes in the chosen selection list, a warning message will be displayed and the first ten node names will be used to populate the grid.
Grid You can add up to ten trace nodes to this grid either by applying a selection list (see above) or by selecting node names from the dropdown list in each row.

When trace nodes are selected, additional reporting facilities are available for tracking blending of water from different sources:

  • Additional fields in the node results grid reporting:
    • The percentage of water at the node that has originated from each trace node
    • The trace node that acts as the dominant source, providing most of the water reaching the node. (Note that there may not be a dominant source, or it may not be possible to derive the dominant source.)
  • Additional graphing options to graph Trace(%) of water at a node that has originated from the trace node(s) and to graph the dominant source.

Solute Data

For adding the Solute Data object containing the water quality parameters to be used during the simulation.
Display area Displays the values defined in the solute data object (see above) or, if no solute data object is selected, the default values that will be used instead.

See the Solute Data topic for parameter details.

Do Turbidity Analysis

If checked, includes turbidity analysis when carrying out the simulation.

Stagnant Threshold

Stagnant water flow threshold - computational accuracy for water quality calculations.

Default value is hydraulic computational accuracy specified on the Schedule Hydraulic Run view.

Water Quality Timestep

Water quality calculation frequency. Default value is 10% of the hydraulic timestep specified on the Schedule Hydraulic Run view.

Lagrangian Solver
Use Lagrangian Solver

If checked, a Lagrangian time-based approach to track movement and blending of water through the network will be used.

If this option is unchecked (default), InfoWorks WS Pro uses an Eulerian water quality model.

Age Tolerance

Tolerance value used by water quality solver to determine whether to create a new segment of water or to blend it with the existing nearest segment when moving water into the top of a pipe.

Concentration Tolerance See Age Tolerance above.
Trace Tolerance See Age Tolerance above.
Turbidity Tolerance See Age Tolerance above.

See Dynamic Water Quality Model for details.

Schedule Hydraulic Run view

About water quality simulations

Water quality - turbidity analysis