Setting up a leakage locator simulation

Leakage locator simulations are used to identify the location of a suspected leak by comparing simulated and observed pressures at monitored locations in the area around the leak.

In order for this functionality to be used effectively, the approximate magnitude of the leak and the general area in which the leak occurs must be known. The leakage locator simulations can then be used to narrow down the area in which the leak is most likely to be located.

The suspected leak is applied at each node in a selection in turn. For each test, simulated pressures are compared with observed pressures at selected monitoring points. A log report is produced which can be used to rank each node tested in order of the likelihood that the leak is present at that location.

To set up a leakage locator simulation:

  1. Set up the simulation as normal, as described in Creating and scheduling a run.
  2. Set the Run Type option to Leakage Locator.

    The Leakage Locator Options dialog is displayed automatically when this option is first selected. The dialog can also be opened later using the Options button when Leakage Locator is the run type.

  3. Set criteria on the Leakage Locator Options dialog.
  4. Run the simulation as normal.


About simulations

Creating and scheduling a run

Schedule Hydraulic Run view

Leakage Locator Options dialog

Leakage Location grid report