Working with saved graphs

Saved graphs provide a powerful method of saving and reusing graphs. They can also be used as templates for creating similar sets of graphs on different data.

Saved graphs are stored in the master database in graph groups. See Creating groups within a model group and Creating a database object within a group for how to create object groups and objects in general.

Creating a saved graph

  1. If one does not already exist, create a graph group within a model group by right-clicking the model group and selecting New | Graph Group.
  2. Right-click the graph group and select New | Graph.
  3. In the new object dialog, name the graph and click OK.

    This opens the Graph Data dialog.

  4. Identify the data sources and change the settings for the new graph that you want to create.
  5. Click the Save button.

    Important: If you do not save the graph data at this stage, it will be lost.

  6. Click the New Graph button.

    The Graph Data dialog is closed and the new graph is opened in the Graph view.


Opening a saved graph

Do one of the following:

If you previously saved the graph data (see Creating a saved graph, above) the graph will open. If you did not save the graph data, the Graph Data dialog will open for you to specify and save the graph.

Changing the data displayed on a saved graph

  1. In the Model Group window, right-click the graph name and select Open as.

    This opens the Open Graph dialog.

  2. Select Open the template.
  3. Click OK.

    This opens the Graph Data dialog.

  4. Change the specification of the graph.
  5. Click Save.
  6. To see the changed graph now, click New Graph.

Creating a new saved graph based on a previous saved graph

  1. In the Model Group window, right-click the original saved graph and select Open as.

    This opens the Open Graph dialog.

  2. Select Open the template.
  3. Click OK.

    This opens the Graph Data dialog.

  4. If required, change the graph specifications.
  5. Click Save As.

    This opens the Save As dialog.

  6. In the box at the top of the dialog, enter a name for the new saved graph.
  7. In the tree view, select a location for the new saved graph.

    Note: You can save a graph only in a graph group.

  8. Click Save.

Using the Graph view

Graph Data dialog

Creating groups within a model group

Creating a database object within a group

Database object list